Individual foods are not healthy or unhealthy, only a total diet can be either. Too much lettuce would be unhealthy, that doesn't make lettuce unhealthy. The only way an individual food could really be considered unhealthy is either, if it is poisonous or if a person is allergic to it. I eat plenty of things that people…
I generally snack on home made protein bars or fruit, if I don't want to prepare anything. I make the protein bars 16 or 32 at a time, so they are always available. Fat free greek yogurt with some fruit and/or Walden Farms zero calorie sauces for flavor are also good with minimal prep time.
I find the most filling options for the least calories are either green smoothies or protein fluff. For green smoothies, I use 500ml Milk (or milk alternative) 50g Kale or Spinach 175g Frozen Berries (blackberries, raspberries, cherries, etc) 50g Wheat Bran You can also add protein powder, fat free greek yogurt or egg…
It's a grain, so it is mostly carbs, 64g/100g, compared with 14g protein and 6g fat. Of that 64g, 7g are fiber. Other alternative lean protein sources include tuna, chicken, turkey, egg whites, most beans and bean derivatives like tofu or you can add protein powder to recipes. Whey protein is one of the fastest digested…