KNewer88 Member


  • If you hate the taste of plain (or steamed, blanched, pureed, ect...) vegetables, why don't you try Indian dishes? It's the only way I have ever been able to eat veggies. If not Indian, then there might be some other cuisine you can try that will help with your aversion. It's just a matter of trying different things until…
  • This isn't new, but it certainly is to me. If you like chocolate and cinnamon, you'll love this; It's so, so very good. The texture is smooth and it leaves a nice warmth on the tongue from the cinnamon. I honestly didn't think it would be that good, but it is.
  • Low carb hazelnut flour waffles. So. Dry.
  • While not a video (though she has one now) Cassey Ho, founder of blogilates/pop pilates, has excellent videos on youtube. She has both HIIT and regular pilate videos that will target muscles you didn't know you had! Her music and personality are both awesome as well, unlike Jillian; who grates on my nerves.
  • That I'd be passionate about a physical activity; one that I kept putting off for a year because I was so self conscious about my weight. Now, though, I relish the time I spend during class and open mat drilling jiu-jitsu. I just don't feel like I ever get enough time to practice! Or that there'd come a time where I'd be…
  • My crossfit instructor/nutritionist said the same thing about the carbs. He saw that I had logged a serving of twizzlers in my diary one day and said "these are carbs, but these types of carbs will set you back days and take forever for your body to eliminate because they're sticky and gunky." :neutral: He's also big on…
  • I just went through a frustrating 3 month stall. My body was still changing, slimming down and toning and building muscle... but it was still frustrating to feel like I wasn't getting anywhere. However, I finally started losing again this month. Dropped 5lbs in two weeks all of a sudden. Sometimes you just need to give…
  • Because I can't stand the taste of flavored protein, I use Isopure unflavored (completely devoid of that sickly sweetness most protein powders have) and mix it with milk and a bit of malt ovaltine. Tis wonderful.
  • Personally, you'd have to pry my full-fat milk/dairy out of my cold, dead hands. I grew up on skim/fat-free and once I got a taste of that full-fat, nectar of the cows, there was no going back. Also, Fairlife milk is my go to and it keeps me from binging on milk (its pretty pricey), otherwise, a gallon wouldn't last more…
  • Not sure if new or not, but it's pretty tasty. Beware, it has a pretty significant bite to it with the chilies. I love spice, but I wasn't expecting it to be that noticeable. Super excited about this one. Was "new" at Harris Teeter. Finally found a skyr that doesn't make my toes curl, lol. It has very, very small bits of…
  • I had mine removed as well and still eat whatever I want. Everyone in my family told me I wouldn't be able to eat oily/fatty/starchy food, while the actual doctor said there was no special diet I needed to follow. Funny thing, all that stuff bothered me before my gallbladder was removed. Did you have a bad reaction eating…
  • My sister today said, "Holy cow, you're skinny!" A girl I was teaching how to do a roundhouse by having her kick my thigh said, "You're just so delicate!" when I told her she could kick me harder. I've never been called skinny and definitely never delicate in my life. *tear*
  • I've found that bumping my protein up and cutting my carbs back to under 150g a day has helped tremendously with cravings.
  • Also, I'm not allowed Twizzlers. If I buy a package, big or small, they're gone within the hour and all I'm left with is a stomach ache and a deep sense of shame.
  • Haha! I knew I wasn't alone! :D Now I feel better.
  • I haven't done it in a while... but when I got severe, I'm going to kill someone I need chocolate, cravings and no candy, I'd break into the cake frosting. :|
  • Yup, big fan of ceylon with a little milk and sugar.
  • Didn't think I'd ever be able to post in this thread :) Also, it took a while to dig up a photo of myself close to/at my heaviest cause I avoided cameras like a ninja and even then, I found a way to half hide myself. Anyway, on left, I was around 200-207... Right is at 165ish, only 30 to go!
  • Looking for motivational friends to help keep me on track :)