It's true that steady state burns more calories (and I have done it before, I can run 10km no problem), but it also burns muscle. And it doesn't create any oxygen deficit, so you are only burning calories during the run and not getting the benefit afterwards. Also, it's definitely not just 20 cals for the whole thing,…
My 50 meters is around 7 seconds, when I get more tired, probably 8-10 seconds.
Okay, thank you very much.
Could you maybe send me a link of an actual HIIT workout then? I'd like to do the hardest one I can.
Nowhere near that. Somewhere in the 75 cal range, for a normal sized person. Half that, if they can't run 5k. [/quote] Oh okay, thanks for letting me know. I don't really know how to tell how many cals are burned during any workout, so I estimated according to how intense I was.
Probably morning when you are completely empty.