NavyCurls Member


  • @LindaK125 What is weird is that we were so full after we ate at CB that we didn't have room for the biscuits. I should have had that first before anything else. Talk about carb heaven!!! Viktor - CB hashbrown casserole, beignets, and tri-tip for lunch, please.
  • @LindaK125 what's funny, two weekends ago, we were in Northern California for a family reunion. In the hotel we stayed at, the beds were a bit higher than we were used to. So my husband had to borrow a step stool just to get into bed. Mind you, he is maybe an inch taller than me but has limited hip movement due to his size…
  • @lindaK125, thank you. I had Cracker Barrel, twice, over the weekend, and the beignets and hashbrown casserole were the death of me. :D Viktor - Santa Maria tri-tip, loaded mashed potatoes, and red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting for dessert, please. I'll be with Linda at the pool.
  • Guess who's back? It's been such a long time. Life got in the way, and my waist shows it.
  • Good morning, ladies. Dinner last night was awesome!!! Viktor really knows how to do dinner service. I'm looking forward to the three-day weekend coming up. I think I'm going to be either on the terrace or by the pool all weekend, only after sleeping in as late as possible. Do y'all have plans? Viktor - a bagel with cream…
  • Good morning, ladies. @Zzyyggy Dinner sounds yummy. I may have that for dinner tonight. I'm over this heat wave. It's been in the high 90s/low 100s all week, and it's not expected to change anytime soon. So, if anyone wants to go somewhere cold, let me know. I'm sure my BIL in Sydney would love to have us out. See y'all at…
  • @BoosDimples I had to look up what a Ferrero Rocher milkshake was. It looks so good, I may have to have Viktor come to bring us one. @LindaK125 Sure, biscuits go with nachos. Anything is possible here in the Cafe. @Zzyyggy See ya at the pool. I'll have Jorge set everything up for us there. My husband says my legs are…
  • Good morning, Ladies. I hope life hasn't gotten in the way. I'll meet y'all by the pool. Viktor - the usual for us all.
  • @LindaK125 It's ok - that's what I get for being MIA. @Zzyyggy - I'll give you my sun for your cold. :smiley: The humidity out here is insane - for us. There was some thunder and lightning within the past 36 hours, which was cool for us. We hardly ever get them. Viktor - scrambled eggs, sausage links, hash browns, wheat…
  • Good morning, Ladies. Yesterday was hot!!! 99 degrees with 80%+ humidity. Glad I stayed inside. I've missed y'all. Life got in the way. Viktor - the usual, please? I'll be on the terrace0
  • @LindaK125 - both my husband and I want out of California. Mainly, we want out of LA. While we both have grown up here and have family here (his family is up in Northern California, and mine is in Southern), this is all we know, and would like to experience something different. We went to Texas back in 2020 (before the…
  • @LindaK125 - I can totally understand the concern for your mother. California isn't for everyone. I'll gladly move to the mountains. I'll meet you on the patio. Viktor - a breakfast burrito, mixed fruit, and OJ, please.
  • @LindaK125 Most of the time, earthquakes are just a big roller coaster. I only say that because I grew up here, and they aren't anything big for me. But, I love thunderstorms. We hardly ever get them out here. Scoot over - I'm moving out by you. I love a good turkey dinner. Vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup will hit…
  • Thanks, girls. I'm glad for the support. DH went to work today, so we'll see how it goes. The weather has been weird out here in LA. It was mid-90s over the weekend and high-80s yesterday at home. At work, it was in the mid-70s most of the day and was overcast. Typical CA weather. I'm expecting an earthquake any day now.…
  • I'm back. Sorry I went MIA - DH went back to the ER for his swollen leg on Friday. He went home the same day. I spent all weekend taking care of him plus chores.
  • @ReenieHJ - it's never too early for what you want to eat. As I see it, food is food, no matter what time of day. :wink: @Zzyyggy - come on out. There's always room for everyone on the terrace. @LindaK125 - I'll take ColdStone Creamery vanilla with PB cups mixed in and caramel sauce drizzle.
  • DH is home safely. I'm planning on spending the day out on the terrace with a good book and a roaring fire in the fireplace. Viktor - a bagel with cream cheese, mixed fruit and OJ.
  • Thanks, ladies!!! <3 @Zzyyggy he's been on a low sodium diet off and on for a while now, mostly on, and it hasn't done much for him. He also has congestive heart failure, which is adding to the problem. The bottom line is his health is catching up to him from when he was using (20+ year addiction and has been clean and…
  • @LindaK125 me, too. This is the second time I'm going through the series, although I couldn't finish season 5. I wound up taking my husband to Urgent Care yesterday, who sent him to the ER. He's been fighting an infection for the last two weeks, which hasn't been getting better. The infection has been causing issues with…
  • @LindaK125 @Zzyyggy you can have that weather, I'll pass :wink: Viktor - a chorizo burrito, mixed fruit, and OJ, please. For lunch, Teriyaki Chicken, mixed steamed veggies, and white rice. For lunch, Vince's spaghetti, garlic bread, and a side salad with ranch dressing. For dessert, rocky road ice cream to be served in the…
  • @LindaK125, I'll switch weather with you. You can have my heat and I'll take your cold!!! :smiley: The movie is going to be good. I'll take popcorn with butter and some caramel corn. Viktor - surprise me with breakfast this morning. I don't know what to have.
  • @lindak125 I'll take a lemon bar. If done correctly, they are so yummy!!!! I just tried the ones from Trader Joes on Mother's day for the first time, and I nearly ate half the package (granted they were the size of my fingers, but still . . . .) Meet y'all on the terrace. I'll either bring the movie or the books. What is…
  • @LindaK125 Our summers (at least the part of LA where I am) can be in the 100s no problem. But, it's supposed to be in the low 90s. Anything above 80 is too hot for me. At least where I work, there's AC on my floor. The s'mores were delicious!!!! You can't go wrong there. @Zzyyggy the leftovers were almost as good. Just…
  • Good morning, ladies. @LindaK125 we actually had leftovers. BIL does all the cooking, and he goes all out. Viktor - chorizo burrito with mixed fruit and OJ, please. It's going to get hot tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it.
  • Thanks everyone. It's not really a new job, but a move back to an old job. But it's all good. Tomorrow, my family is getting together for a crab boil, so I need to be good today. Viktor, for dinner, a Santa Maria tri tip, mashed potatoes, a dinner roll with butter, and a side salad with ranch dressing. A lemon square for…
  • Work has been crazy. I transferred departments, and I'm starting to get busy. Anyways, Viktor - a bagel with cream cheese, mixed fruit, and a cold tall glass of OK.
  • Good morning, ladies. @LindaK125 - I wish it was my boss, but it's actually the building to controls the AC. I believe most floors are "decent", but since I work on the floor that has the most amount of computer equipment, it's "slightly" colder than the rest, which makes sense. lol @Zzyyggy - I'm glad you enjoyed…
  • Viktor - a breakfast chorizo burrito, please. As a co-worker would say, it's "just another day in paradise" and instead of "another day, another dollar," he would day, "another day, another quarter" lol It's going to be a warm day at home, but cold here in the office.
  • Good morning, ladies. Outside of the normal chores, I had a lazy weekend. Did almost nothing, other than what was absolutely necessary. I'll be on the lanai with A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers a snuggie and my grandparent's Pomeranian, Cubbie. Grandfather loved all sports related teams from Chicago. Love the entire…
  • Hey ladies, hope all is well. @LindaK125 what do you need? I got you? A weekend on the terrace sounds awesome. I may go back and forth between the game. Viktor - for breakfast tomorrow, can I please get a bagel with cream cheese, a bowl of strawberry halves, grapes, and cantaloupe with a large cold glass of OJ. For lunch,…