Angelike01 Member


  • It's funny how my body is reacting to water. Before, I didn't feel thirst but now that I started to drink more, my mouth gets dry like an alarm to indicate dehydration. I m happy my body is going back to normal :)
  • Exactly!! Finally someone understands me :( I was good for nothing, grumpy and super skinny. Now I m following my diet very closely and MFP helped me a lot to be honest. I gained 2 kgs so far and feel much better :) Antidepressants are poison!!
  • Please do!! :)
  • Thank you everyone for your tips, it was very helpful! I followed many tips and am now drinking water so easily :) you rock!
  • Did you make this diet or was it given to you by a doctor? 6 eggs+grease is not too much for you? :/
  • Sweet potatoes in the oven or do you have your own way of cooking them?
  • Will it be too much asked if you tell me the recipe of your homemade yogurt? I always wanted to avoid industrial food which is full of conservatives. Also, what seeds are you adding? Thank you dear!
  • Do you add yogurt to it? It seems not enough on its own.. Granola is amazing when you make it as a yogurt parfait with granola, fruits, and mapple syrup/honey!
  • Actually, she put plain/skim milk, I had the option to choose :) where I come from (Morocco), people are used to eat whole wheat bread with honey & olive oil. It's very good for us, brings a lot of energy for the whole day! As for the egg, I fry it with a little bit of olive oil and add salt and cumin. You should try it,…
  • Greek yogurt only? Does it help you gain weight? :) I just googled chilaquiles, you must be Mexican! If you can eat that in the morning, then I salute you! :)
  • They are toxic because they make me dumb, sleep a lot and have memory loss. I know the doctor, he will tell me to extend the duration of my treatment while I am against antidepressants. I just had pressure from family to visit him. I m 158 cm, I think 5inch and 2 something. I m planning to go to the gym starting from…
  • It's the second time that I stop antidepressants. It happened to me 2 years ago and its not an easy thing. I was easily irritated and grumpy most of the time. I am feeling the same now but I know its a short term thing. It will pass. I did decrease the amount but it affected my memory as I started to have people around me…
  • My friends tell me to go to the gym as well. I do remember the days I was going there, my appetite was back and it helped me gain some weight. Its just that the meningitis put down in bed and I could barely eat an apple or nuts or just steamed veggies. I bought some pills that bring appetite back today. I think you should…