justjoyriding Member


  • My advice is to get to know your body and drink when you're thirsty. Remember, food and other drinks all have water in them so you are getting water every time you open your mouth. People have been sold the idea to drink way too much water. Why? Because somebody is making a profit on it. If I drank as much as many people…
    in Water Comment by justjoyriding June 2017
  • For now I am keeping to the same calories because I'm averaging 1.64 per week. I've got about 23 left for my first goal, then I'll decide whether I want to keep the same rate or bring it down to .5 to 1 per week, which might happen naturally at a lower weight anyway. I'm just curious why it is so different and if anybody…
  • I have switched from using my Apple watch to a Jawbone for activity. The Apple watch used to give me 30-60 calories positive adjustment per day, whereas my Jawbone gives me 400-600 per day. That makes me very hesitant to use those extra calories. How do I know which one is correct when they are so vastly different?
  • That is so cool! I was just telling everybody that my joints in my hands were kind of bothering me, especially when lifting dumbbells, and it has now stopped after a week! I have even stopped using the lifting gloves I bought because I haven't needed them for the 10 lb dumbbells. It's awesome!
  • Same here! I keep trying and I think what I'm missing is a support group. Would love to support you and others as well.