kermax39 Member


  • I agree, iv seen better results long term by sticking to my upper calorie limit. When I have in the past stuck to 1200 I inevitably lossed 2 one week gained 3 the next week...then another 2-weeks before that 3-went off. Its all about sustainability for me.......I cant manage a 1200 diet for more than a week without wanting…
  • Someone with 80lbs to lose can lose easily and steadily with plenty room for error........however once u lose half this weight u need to up your game, theres very little room for error now im afraid with just 30lbs left to go. Set your loss to 1lb or even 0.5 if hunger is a problem for u and try it 7 days a week with no…
  • I have a sausage sandwich with onion every morning, its under 400 cals and keeps me full till lunchtime. This only changes if I run out then I will have 2 poached eggs on toast, 360 cals. Cereal, fruit or yoghurt etc does nothing to fill me so its wasted calories on me. If it fits into your calories for the day and keeps u…
  • I weigh daily too to keep an eye on.fluctuations, and log weight weekly on mfp but when I think of my weighloss or talk to others about it ill always say 'its around 6lbs a month', instead of 'well I lost none this week'!
  • I lost a good bit on definitely works but the cravings got the better of me eventually, I am a bread and crisps lover, and I like the occasional mcdonalds and some cake. The syns are so restrictive but the free foods are a great thing. I am so glad I.found a method of incorporating all my fav foods into a…
  • Iv had really good weeks where I know for absolute certain iv stayed under but weight has stayed the same....menstruation week usually but not always.....I really beat myself up about this but every time I see a good 2lb loss the week after. I hear everyone here say weight loss is not linear so I guess this is what they…
  • Im 5'11 and at my heaviest was 17 stone 10lbs. I struggled with those feelings of bein the big heffalump amongst my petite friends, im 40 now though, and with age comes an acceptance of oneself, at least of the things that u cant change anyway... like height. My weight was something that could be changed though. Over the…
  • I have about one a week, I dont worry about it...its what makes this sustainable for me, I look forward to it. My cheat nights are usually a takeaway or nice meal out. Around 1000 calories over usually but on the rare special occasion its been double that. I usually weigh heavier the next day but its gone by the next day.…
  • No major changes just stuck to the calories, I had 60lbs to lose though, iv lost 41 so far but it comes of at 1.5 a week now. Honestly just try it for a week eating all the calories mfp sets u, if you have low self discipline the worst thing to do is starve, youll end up bingeing.
  • I really would advise to eat at least the minimum calories set for u, u dont need to starve....I lost 7lbs my first week eating 1700 calories. The app wont work for u if u log under the very minimum.
  • I started at 248 and lost around 15lbs my first month, its not too fast, I ate 1700 cals a day that first month...its normal in someone with alot to lose but expect it to slow down, im 207 now and lose on.average 6lbs a month. Dont be so hard on yourself regarding banning foods, all food is fine if u can fit it in. Well…
    in Walking Comment by kermax39 August 2016
  • Yes definitely, or at the very least some garlic
  • 41lbs and I do nothing except normal daily routine of a busy working mum. Iv never done actual fitness excercize.
  • I lost 2 stone on slimming world, it definetly works.....also did the atkins which I lost around 18lbs very quickly, my problem with both was the lack of bread amongst other food so wasent sustainable for me. I prefer mfp because variety of food is more important to me, but counting calories makes me hungrier. I definitely…
  • Add some cheese to.your salads, allow for some peanut butter on your toast, a bit of fat helps keep me fuller. Its really all about calories, u dont need to eat salads every day. Try to incorporate some favourite foods, if u like steak have it with a side salad if u like salad, or chips. Youv got a generous allowance, make…
  • Ahh ok, I can see how that would make a difference now u put it like that.
  • I would only log excercise if its more than what I normally do on an.every day basis. Iv always done housework but if I was to spend 6 hours springcleaning, moving furniture, cleaning large windows, scrubbing tiles etc then id log it.
  • Unless your at the pub every night I cant see how the difference between a coke and a diet coke measure would stop u losing weight unless your daily vodkas and coke take u upto maintenance level every day of the week. For 3 months I miscalculated my milk everyday by 100 cals because of a stupid database entry that was way…
  • Ham wraps, I spread mustard onto large slices of deli ham and fill with lettuce and beetroot then roll up like u would a wrap.
  • I think the poster is saying he doesnt buy into food marketed as diet food. I agree to an extent. Your doing nothing wrong though, your reducing your fat but as u go along you might find real mayo is fine and worth the extra calories. I eat white bread but prefer reduced fat mayo. Its all about choice and as long as your…
  • I find just having a bite or a tiny portion is harder than banning it, so some of my banned foods are anything deep fried and battered, butter, pastry, double cream in sauces, proper quiche, peanut butter. I still eat chocolate, crisps, mcdonalds, chinese takeaway, just try to choose the best calorie wise.
  • I would reccomend eating at maintenance or just over. Babies are like parasites, they feed off of the mother exactly the amount of nutrients they need regardless of wether u eat 1800 or 3800 a day. I would be sensible about it and take your vitamins too. I was 10lbs lighter after having my son than I was pre pregnancy, I…
  • Pinterest if you have for low cal crock pot meals, I get all my recipes from there.
  • I dont excercize, im a busy working (sit down job) mother who rarely sits down till kids bedtime, so I dont bother to calculate excercize. Its normal everyday activity to me that iv always done. Maybe thats my saving grace who knows? And maybe others who struggle to lose shouldnt log mowing the lawn or housework and eat…
  • The 'beer belly' is a misconception. Its caused by an enlarged and fatty liver that protrudes, pushing the belly out. Obviously a very unhealthy diet pushes it out even further, especially after a certain age. Youll find most people with this are skinny everywhere else. I have another 28lbs to lose but I definitely dont…
  • Yes, im now on 1400 calories a day, I was on 1700 at the beginning. I lose 6lbs a month on average. 7 this month. I probably have 3 or 4 bottles of dry white wine per week. Special occasions alot more. This isnt a brand new discovery.....iv always lost weight without having to cut out wine when iv needed to. Im surprised…
  • I totally get that, but going back to my original point iv said that this works for ME! Working alcohol calories into my daily allowance will only make me hungry, which will inevitably result in a fail and me eating the entire contents of the biscuit tin. Once I stop losing I will look at cutting out the vino, but until…
  • Hand me a dictionary lol! Look whatever works for people works, iv managed to consume all my top end calories in food and have wine on top of that....and still lose 40lbs. Once that stops working I shall revaluate but I certainly wont be skimping on my food, that definitely comes first before wine!
  • Well all that tells me is ill be sure to eat breakfast in future :-)