kminbr Member


  • We are in the same boat! A class I took at the hospital stated that our bodies need between 45-50 extra calories per pound of baby per day. So if you had a 8 pound baby, you would want to consume between 360-400 more calories per day. This is reasonable while ensuring we don't overdue it.
  • Ok, prenatal appt is next week so that's a good tip. And I'll adjust my calories to maintenance. Thanks y'all. Makes me feel better. Just ate lunch and I'm stuffed now!! One extreme to the other!
  • OMG! The past few days I have been STARVING by late afternoon, getting home from work and eating like crazy. I can't keep doing this for 7 months. Any tips?
  • This is the best suggestion I've seen so far. Thanks!!
  • I'm pregnant too, roughly 7 weeks. Exciting times. I'm an active runner but it is already becoming a challenge. I'm hoping cooler weather will make it easier to go a few more months before slowing down. Will need MFP more than ever.
  • Hey girls- I'm newly pregnant too. So excited to use MFP to help tackle nutrition through pregnancy. Will be checking this board periodically for tips and motivation too. Best of luck to you Kirsty.