miatch Member


  • True that! Crazy how much younger & overall better I feel when I'm under 200 lb. After I got married, feels like I'm working harder. ha ha!
  • At least you used to be skinny and hot. Ha ha! I dont personally know you. Just to add from my own experiences: I feel your pain. Some days I feel like I'm rocking it! Some days I feel like a looser and I'm failing at everything. Wife, mom, woman: it's a lot of stuff to deal with. I've never been skinny and I rarely feel…
  • to get back on track. Could use the support.
  • Yes! A mom group! I have a 3 yr old girl & 4.5 yr old boy. I work at a desk full time & often have to skip breaks due to my work load & rushes. I feel so guilty taking any more time away from my kids even if to better myself & work out (which I know, betters them too). I'd have to wake up early before work to workout and…