Moms wanting support and results

Hello, I'm Jenna a new mom to a 8 month boy. Looking for others that want support and motivation and results.


  • aleighdz86
    aleighdz86 Posts: 1 Member
    Same here. My kids are 8 and 2 and I just can't shake this baby weight. I started a new diet and so far so good.
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Mom to a 4 year old here....add me if you want! I know the struggle. I had horrible mommy guilt when I started going to the gym & putting my daughter in the kiddie care there. I felt horrible that my daughter was in daycare all day because I work, then I was turning right back around & putting in her in daycare all over again at the gym. I had to tell myself that at times I have to be selfish in order to take care of myself & that my daughter was still everything is actually OK. It's hard when we live for our children, but it is do-able!
  • cmaurer4
    cmaurer4 Posts: 33 Member
    Add me! I have a 2.5 yr old and a 7 wk old so the baby weight and belly pouch are there.... Oy! I'm 25 lbs heavier than my first pregnancy, so I'm here for a journey!
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    Feel free to add me ladies! Single mom to a 2 1/2 year old
  • wilder0902
    wilder0902 Posts: 22 Member
    Im a mom to a 4 year old and a 9 month old and let myself get to about 100 lbs over weight! Add me if u would like
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Hiya, mum to a 4 year old and 2 year old :smile: anyone is welcome to add me.
  • Frenchers11
    Frenchers11 Posts: 21 Member
    Mum to an 11 months old here, lost all my pregnancy weight BUT still a good 40-50lbs away from my healthy target weight. Good luck with your weight loss, being here is a step in the right direction!

    Ladies you're all doing a great job
  • HeleyneBeam
    HeleyneBeam Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 4 and a 2 y.o. and I am working hard to be healthy to enjoy life with them. Because "I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired". Feel free to add me :smile:
  • jennifer12202010
    jennifer12202010 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi ladies! I had a baby 2months ago and I have 2 other little ones 1,3 I need lose this weight def love some other mommas help me through this journey I want get 160 I'm 199
  • jennifermo16
    jennifermo16 Posts: 19 Member
    So glad I'm not alone in this category. Let's work hard and get some amazing results.
  • Please feel free to add me. Mom of 8 and 12 year old. Really wanting to show the right example for them. :)
  • WildePillar
    WildePillar Posts: 120 Member
    Hello, I'm Jenna a new mom to a 8 month boy. Looking for others that want support and motivation and results.

    My daughter will be eight months old next week! Feel free to add me :)
  • Rubeis
    Rubeis Posts: 6 Member
    Two kids here. Down 20 lbs from my heaviest but still have 25 more to go by Christmas so we can start trying for Baby number three. I run 4-5 days a week and try to maintain a very clean eating plan. Would love to add anyone who wants daily encouragement as I do!!!
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me moms! I have a 5 month old daughter and hoping to lose the baby weight while breastfeeding and exercising ☺️
  • jennifermo16
    jennifermo16 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks to those responding to this post. If I haven't added you please add me. I'm excited at the response, I can't wait for us to help each other acheive our goals.
  • miatch
    miatch Posts: 7 Member
    Yes! A mom group! I have a 3 yr old girl & 4.5 yr old boy. I work at a desk full time & often have to skip breaks due to my work load & rushes. I feel so guilty taking any more time away from my kids even if to better myself & work out (which I know, betters them too). I'd have to wake up early before work to workout and that's not feasible. I don't get how girls do it?! I'd have to shower after getting sweaty & my hair gets greasy so I'd have to wash it. I can't be washing & drying my hair in the morning because it's thick, it'd take forever to dry & it'd get so dry & damaged. And I'm already close to being late to work as it is. So it's walk on breaks & work out in the garage after kids go to bed (roughly 9pm). Not sure about anyone else, but I need to reset the house & prep for the next day too. After I get home from work (6pm) and dinner, I have roughly about 1 hr with my kids before it's time to get them bathed & in bed. Does that seem normal? How else are others doing this juggling act? It's so depressing and guess what get cuts if there's just not enough time or energy? My workouts. Bummer ;-) But honestly I know I need
  • miatch
    miatch Posts: 7 Member
    to get back on track. Could use the support.
  • jennifermo16
    jennifermo16 Posts: 19 Member
    It's so hard to find balance. You can do it though. Let's talk more.