scribblemoma Member


  • Oh man your shoulders and arms are AH-MAZING!
  • It may not be for you (it wasn’t for me) 🤷🏼‍♀️ Luckily it’s not the only way to lose weight! If you truly struggle it’s probably worth looking into the plain CICO way of eating 🙂
  • This is GENIUS 😳 Why didn’t I think of that?!
  • I will agree that I think he’s a bit out of touch with reality on his diet program! I balance out my own macros with the standard 40/30/30 (carbs/protein/fat) plus guiding calories from a TDEE calculator and I’m trucking along nicely!
  • A 5-10 minute warm up with cardio is ok before heavy lifting but I’d avoid the heavy cardio work before a lift session since it’s practically begging for injury. I do heavy lifts first and light cardio immediately after...OR heavy lifts in the morning and heavier cardio much later in the day. Best of luck!
  • Yeeeeeeah I was going more off the fact that she’s feeling jittery and ticking off all the buzzwords for adverse caffeine reactions 🤷🏼‍♀️ Not sure why asking about fat burners, the most commmonly abused diet aid, is so out of the ordinary. But you do you I guess.
  • Unico is my JAM 😍 I’m on a kick with their Molten Chocolate Lava Cake and my husband loves the Salted Caramel. I like that I can order samples of flavors.
  • Be honest. Are you supplimenting these dieting periods with “fat burners” or other things not normally in your routine? It really seems like you’re having caffeine issues (a common ingredient in any pill in the diet industry).
  • Oh man I’m so glad my husband and I are 100% on the same page with our fitness plans! We lift and do cardio together and all our macros are in sync (though he eats more). We often work out together at home and it’s a lot of fun getting stronger! If I mention a run outside he drops what he’s doing and laces up to join me…
  • Results not spectacular? Nah man...that’s pretty friggin’ spectacular! Way to go!
  • I took long enough...but I'm almost 86 pounds down now with some major health and fitness changes that began in January 2018 <3 I'm in SUCH a better place both physically and emotionally that I've ever been...I've been amping up training even harder this year and the changes have been amazing. My husband and I are prepping…
  • I've been focusing a lot more on heavy lifting this year and I'm by no means an Olympian power lifter but I can hold my own in the newbie category! But the more weight that I lose the less capable people (parents and in-laws) seem to see if continually lifting heavier and heavier things ISN'T the reason I'm getting…
  • TLS is a book you can get on Amazon! I must add that it’s a bit hard to understand the layouts of the workouts at first but it’s awesome for using compound lifts that work out multiple muscles in a single move. Once I figured it out my weight lifting took off...I do enjoy it! HOWEVER if you’re just dipping your toes into…
  • It takes women a long, long time with dedicated efforts to put on muscle. You’re likely dealing with water weight brought on by muscle soreness, menstral activity, or simply poor logging 🤷🏼‍♀️ Almost everyone who responds to this will want to know if you’re tracking your food intake with a scale, over what period have you…
  • I did it faily steady last year but started taking it more seriously this’s been a lot of fun! I still throw in cardio as that’s beneficial to my obstacle course training 🙂 I have baby biceps right now but they’ll grow! I’m following the Thinner, Leaner, Stronger program with lots of compound lifts over a 5 day…
  • I keep my diet very macro balanced (including 25g daily fiber) but I still take a daily magnesium supplement and since starting that it has really helped. I’ve had chronic issues since I was a baby...I feel your pain! Best of luck <3
  • I drink plenty of water but you can pry my Diet Pepsi from my cold, dead hands 🤣 I’ve never had any problems with my weight loss drinking it.
  • 5’2” here! SW: 220 lbs CW: 135 lbs GW: 125 lbs UGW: 115 lbs Honestly my current “goal” and “ultimate goal” may change to higher numbers! I’ve got a great handle on my macros and do both cardio and progressive strength training through the week so I’m recomping quite nicely. I’m training for America Ninja Warrior 2020 so my…
  • Well my Dad, also a Marine and stubborn as a mule, decided no one could tell him he couldn’t do something like run with bad knees. Now he screams all night in his sleep from the pain and can’t walk through Wal-mart 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think building up with low intensity exercises like swimming or biking would be far better for you to…
  • I have no idea how you guys can afford the cost of eating out so much 😳 I think the last time we did was last week for the kiddo’s birthday and then before that was around 3 months ago. Maybe 4-5 times a year...order takeout another 2-3 times. It’s always so expensive compared to cooking! I love meal prepping and leftovers…
  • Somewhere in the 12K range 😬 My absolute favorite thing to do occasionally as a teen was to polish off a container of cream cheese frosting with a box of Vanilla wafers. I would be SO SICK after but I loved it haha. But...I’ll never do it again now in my 30s as I think it’d kill me 🤣 Of course my sugar binge needed to be…
  • It really sounds like you’re grinding your teeth...probably when you sleep =) By chance are you chewing a lot of gum to offset cravings? Because that totally makes my mouth hurt. Are you doing anything like weights? I see a lot of people clenching their jaw when they start pushing themselves with something heavy (even just…
  • I'm going to do you a favor and use both my PS skills and critical graphic designer eye to show you _exactly_ how much of a difference you are between the start and finish of the month. It's very hard to line up the different angles so I had to clip it into two segments but trust me (and all the others above) when I say…
  • I have exercise induced asthma which is brought on if I run in cold weather...I had no idea until I had a full blown attack during a run and collapsed on the sidewalk 😬 I will fight a chronic, nagging cough for several hours if I run in the cold (under 50F typically). It’s very common! I run on the treadmill during the…
  • I've gone from both ends of the spectrum over the last several years...I've taken my body from anorexia to extremely overweight. It took such a long time to find myself but now I'm happily in between the two extremes and doing things I never thought possible! Some days are harder than others but I'm where I need to be…
  • Spicy chicken and broccoli with a side of roasted sweet potatoes on rice with a dash of sriracha 😍 Plus a side of cottage cheese that has half a scoop of cinnamon toast protein powder!
  • I’ve added a lot of food that I was way too picky about as a kid (including cottage cheese, onions, and broccoli) and I actually LOVE them now! But I cannot for the life of me get behind: Cauliflower Asparagus Celery Brussels Sprouts On the unhealthy side even a whiff of egg nog will make me dry heave 🤣 My husband has to…
  • Are....are you giving someone a product without their knowledge for the sake of a personal experiment?!
  • It took YEARS to go from upper left to the other two but it shaved years off my appearance ❤️ I feel better about myself in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s...hoping to turn my baby bicep into a full fledged bicep sometime later this year 😁
  • Ah thank you so much! I began with 5x5 StrongLifts which is free, straightforward, and easy 😁 I really wasn’t sure something so simple could make a difference but it totally did so I highly recommend starting there ❤️ Since my last photo I’ve kept improving! I’ve moved on to the PWR program by Kelsey Wells and I absolutely…