clskinner71 Member


  • Runagain_4, I feel like I could have written your post. My journey has been very similar. I recently came back to Fitness Pal. I am 43 years old and went to the doctor in May because of an increase in weight, afternoon exhaustion, and a feeling like I had a "fuzzy brain" in the afternoons. Well... it appears that I am post…
  • Wow! Congratulations on your weight loss journey! May I ask how many calories a day you plan for and what a typical days worth of food looks like for you. I am in the experimental stage. Nothing I am doing seems to work. I was very successful years ago, but now I am struggling. Early menopause (I am 43) has caused havoc on…
  • I would love to have a support group. Here is my story. I recently came back to Fitness Pal. I am 43 years old and went to the doctor in May because of an increase in weight, afternoon exhaustion, and a feeling like I had a "fuzzy brain" in the afternoons. Well... it appears that I am post menapausal. I am 5 foot tall and…
  • I recently came back to Fitness Pal. I am 43 years old and went to the doctor in May because of an increase in weight, afternoon exhaustion, and a feeling like I had a "fuzzy brain" in the afternoons. Well... it appears that I am post menapausal. I am 5 foot tall and about 7 years ago I was 150 pounds. Through weight…