JillStepanik Member


  • I felt like I needed to tell my boyfriend what I weighed once I hit a weight that was my breaking point. I was scared to at first but I told him and now I feel more comfortable talking to him about my weight loss (hopefully more to come). I think it is easier now knowing that he knows where my "rock bottom" is.
  • I am a Registered Dietitian.. And I say yes not only for job security but because RDs are going to give you the most up to date and correct information you will get about nutrition from any health professional out there. Most likely there are tons in your area that can look at all your medical information and give you…
  • I usually have a "treat" once a week or once every 2 weeks. I still track everything but it's nice to have something as comfort once in a while.
  • Eating too much protein is very hard on your kidneys, keep that in mind. Also, the body cannot store amino acids (what protein is broken down to in the body) so excess protein consumed that your body does not need will be turned into fat.
  • I'm a Registered Dietitian and 800 calories is too low. Shoot for 1200 and up your activity to whatever you are comfortable with. Unless you are in the hospital being supervised for malnution or failure to thrive, you should not consume that few calories. Sadly most doctors only take 1 nutrition course in their whole…
  • Rewards always help me. I enjoy getting my nails done so as long as I'm following my healthy lifestyle and on track to lose weight, I can get them done every few weeks. When I stop being good with my diet, I will stop doing that. That works for me but even breaking down and saying at 10 pounds you will buy yourself a…
  • I'm actually Registered Dietitian with a master's in nutrition
  • I personally think it is nuts. To be that restrictive is pretty much setting yourself up for failure. Think about when your friends or parents ask you go to our to dinner- you wouldn't be able to because of the crazy rules to follow! Although some concepts are things to keep in mind (knocking out some processed foods and…
  • I'm actually a Registered Dietitan... take either an iron pill or increase your intake of the iron rich foods people have posted. When you do either one, make sure to eat/drink something with vitamin C in it too (take the vitamin with orange juice or put some tomatoes/tomato sauce on some meat) because vitamin C increases…
  • A lot of it could be habit, other part boredom... Maybe hunger. Try chewing gum, brushing your teeth. Habits are hard to break, train your body to either have the willpower or save just enough calories for a light snack. fail to plan, plan to fail :)
  • I take matters into my own hands... I plan the meals. I think of things that I can have comfortably and if that isn't enough for him, I'll make a side dish that I won't even touch. Even starting at just having smaller portions of the items your partner has is worth it. You can't look at it as depriving yourself, either!
  • Is it close to your time of the month? That usually makes me so hungry regardless of foods eaten. .. Try reaching for some fruit or veggies for fiber. Also grab water and drink some when you feel like your hunger won't go away. Often times our bodies recognize thirst as hunger!