Coming Out...About Your Weight



  • scg17
    scg17 Posts: 88 Member
    I always lied about mine when I was heavier. I'm 129lb now, with a goal of 123-125, so I actually tell people for the first time ever. People at work have commented on the loss...I was 150lbs when I started there two years ago (told folks I was 135lbs), 140 at the start of this year (told them I was 130 when asked), and now I'm actually honest, so they must think that 6lbs (135 original lie to 129lbs current weight) makes major differences on a 5'5" frame! Haha, or they knew I was lying.

    Even now, people tell me that "I don't look like I weigh that much", and I'm thinking...uh, this is a super healthy weight for my height, I'm leaning down for athletic purposes...of course, then there are the "too skinny" commentators, and I just say my doctor likes the plan I'm on.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm 5'2" and weigh 132 trying to get to 120. I don't like to tell people because I'm 60 and most of my friends are between 40-65 and so many are over weight. They don't seem to realize that 12 pounds (was 25 once) is a lot to be overweight. They often say I look great, don't need to lose, etc., because they're probably comparing me to them. I'm not sure. But, to me, I'm not "trim" as I know what I looked like at 120 before.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I've finally told SOME people in my life what I weight and used to weigh (i lost 95 since jan) and it feels like a relief, albeit it still feels weird having people know my highest weight
  • KeniaHurtado1
    KeniaHurtado1 Posts: 1 Member
    Today was my first time weighing myself since April. It was also the first time I let someone else know just how bad it had gotten. I knew that in the past couple of months I had gained weight, considering that my pants and shorts won't go past my hips. It's a little sad and discouraging that I let it get this bad, but I guess seeing that number is just the motivation I need.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I was an overweight kid. When anyone would find out my weight then...I would constantly hear, "you weigh THAT much?!" I was really confused. I was never sure if they meant, "wow, you don't LOOK like you weigh that much" or "wow, you're fat."

    I'm not overweight now, and oddly enough people often ask my random people at the gym. I usually get, "what do you 100lbs?" When I tell them closer to 125-130lbs, I STILL hear, "you weigh THAT much?" I must have always been a very dense person.
  • JillStepanik
    JillStepanik Posts: 13 Member
    I felt like I needed to tell my boyfriend what I weighed once I hit a weight that was my breaking point. I was scared to at first but I told him and now I feel more comfortable talking to him about my weight loss (hopefully more to come).

    I think it is easier now knowing that he knows where my "rock bottom" is.
  • ChrisKom
    ChrisKom Posts: 25 Member
    I have always been overweight and I have never been ashamed of it or kept it a secret. My husband knows what I weigh and what my measurements are. I am a very open person and share a lot. I have met many amazing friends this way.... They felt more comfortable talking to me about it because I was so open about it. I come from a family that is quite fit and thin... And then there was me. I was never made to feel like my weight was something to be kept secret. My family and hubby are very supportive. I weighed 293 when I started and am at 286 now! I am what I am... no shame! I love me.... Fatter or thinner (I've never been thin
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Ehh...I don't really care if people want to know. I don't bandy it about, but if they ask, I tell. I've never really been one to fib about it, either. I told a co worker once who had asked and she straight up called me a liar, lol. She said that there was no way I weighed that much, about 215 at the time. I guess I am pretty compact, I've never really been 'fluffy'. Also built like a line backer--large frame, broad shoulders. Thanks, mom...

    Anyway, my highest was 246 about three years ago, lost a bit here and there, started this lifestyle at 223 on 7/27/15 and am currently down to about 206. Goal weight is 165 or whenever I'm comfortable, whichever comes first. I've always dreamed of being dainty. Which will absolutely never happen, lol, but I guess I can settle for just curvy. ;)
  • daniellepstewart209
    daniellepstewart209 Posts: 32 Member
    edited September 2015
    My mum dad and twin sister know my heaviest weight and current weight. That's it! I haven't told my partner, although people know I've lost a total of 5 stone 11pounds. When I say the current loss they look shocked, and I say I have another 5 stone ish to go. They are horrified. That just say I'll be too skinny. ( not skinny now!) this would take me to bang in the middle of my healthy BMI range. Obviously if I think it's too much before I get there I'll stop . But I'm the same, I'm terrified of people knowing my start or current weight, what they will think of me after. It's irrational but until I'm happy with it I doubt that will change xx
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    I do not tell people how much I weigh. I am 5'8" and carry the weight well. At one point I did tell people, and got a lot of not wanted, not valid diet comments. They would say they were on this fad diet or that one and loss 5 or 10 pounds. Well I had about 100 pounds to lose. Using these fad diets is not something I can live on for the rest of my life. I would also get comments that I did not have to lose weight. Um, yeah I do. I also got negative comments that hurt my feelings, and cause me to want to eat to cover over the pain. If people ask how much I weigh, I tell them how much I have lost or how many inches I am down and change the topic. I usually tell them about My Fitness Pal.
  • GillianLF
    GillianLF Posts: 410 Member
    Well I'm finally under 12 stone. Now weighing in at 11stone 12.
    I want to tell everyone but I don't want them to take my sense of achievement away!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm open with my husband and I have one friend I would tell if she asked (because she struggles too and I think we kind of competitively motivate each other). But I don't think I would tell family until it came off.

    Oh, and before kids I did a weight loss challenge at work (and won), so some of my former coworkers were aware of what I weighed at the time. (The competition was based on % lost and not straight pounds since everyone was at different stages).
  • NikkiBiggestFan
    NikkiBiggestFan Posts: 25 Member
    I don't tell people my weight and never have even when I was small. Come to think of it, no one has ever asked how much I weigh. I have gotten questions before such as, how much are you trying to lose or how much did you lose. Excluding my husband use to ask numerous times during my pregnancies.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    I've been sharing my thoughts on the subject woth my MFP friends a couple of days ago... I'm just not open to sharing my start, current or goal weight. The only people that now are my mum, sister and any healtg professional that needs to know. I'm so embarrassed about it.

    When I refuse to tell people who ask, they eye me up start playing guessing games. The only positive is that they always guess soooo low that I'm like "I wish". I'm not confident regarding my weight. It's always set me back. But, since losing a significant amount I'm gaining confidence in other ways.

    I've past my half way point and still can't tell my husband. Even though he is so supportive and proud of me, I feel like the number will... Well I dunno to be honest.

  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    i told my boyfriend i lost 30 lbs over the summer and he couldnt believe it... we live together...
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    iam very comfortable about telling people my weight .. i never had a problem with that..
    the only thing i dont like is how they approach me before asking.. :0 by saying woo you look like you losted weight out loud* or you look skinny .. and they go on to ask how much I weight now,,,
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I recently had a conversation with a co-worker about weight and though she didn't offer how much she weighs she did ask me how much I weighed and what size I wore. It turned a little uncomfortable because while she never came out and said she seemed to doubt what I was telling her. Everyone carries weight differently. I guess it depends on how they ask and if I feel like sharing.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    LaceyBirds wrote: »
    bibimazoon wrote: »
    Maybe it's an age thing? I know when I was younger I would never have told anyone my weight. But now at 54, I'm pretty open about it to anyone and everyone :)

    I'll be 60 in a month, so I just think it's an individual thing, and I have also seen that I was enthusiastic at first about telling, but it has changed. Also, I think it depends on the people you know, their lifestyles, weight, fitness level, etc. The family I live near are all small people, and only one of their children is a little bit overweight. They eat tiny portion sizes, and have said enough things about overweight/not fit people that I think they will see my weight-loss as a good thing, but probably have felt very negatively about my being obese/overweight. They will never understand how I became obese or how difficult it can be to lose weight.

    However family I have in another state are all currently overweight, a couple obese, so I would feel much more comfortable telling them, as they would absolutely understand how difficult this is and completely understand how I got overweight in the first place.

    I agree. It's not an age thing. I haven't told anyone what I weigh, especially not my husband. We weigh the same and I'm waiting until I weigh a lot less than him before he finds out my weight. I do tell them that I've lost 46 lbs. though, but only if they ask.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I write my weight on the calendar in our kitchen every week. Anyone who walks in can see it. So I'm out to people in my house.
    I've been trying to lose weight for 15 years. I talked much more in the past and kind of feel like people would just roll their eyes at another attempt even though this has been the most successful. People can see me lose weight and if they ask I'll tell them my weight.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I do not tell people what I weigh, not even my husband (even though he is totally supportive). I have only recently posted my weight on a lose 25lb by Christmas post. I have been on MFP since March. I have been harassed by family, friends, and strangers about my weight for most of my childhood and all of my adult life (I'm 44). It does cause a lot of shame. I have come a long way emotionally since starting MFP, but telling someone in my life what I weigh is more then I can bare right. Another goal to work on, though! Thanks for posting. <3