TheLondonFella Member


  • I agree with Andrew ... running is superb. However, has countless free workout programs, from many different trainers, and they are all free. I'm currently doing "Jim Stoppani's 12 Week Shortcut To Size" program, which is great. You get lots of free material, and there's a big community should you wish to…
  • Swimming is good for asthma, as the air above the water is moist & soothes the lungs. It's also a fantastic all round physical activity, as it works every muscle. Good luck ...
  • Best of luck :smile: I hope your knee has healed well? This app is fantastic, right?! Take care ...
  • Heya, Outlaw (or should one call you Momma??). Good luck with your "journey". I'd say the number one rule is: "If you don't buy it, you can't eat it" ... which is pretty self explanatory. Also, bread/rolls tend to make me put on weight overnight, so I'd steer clear of any of it (see above rule!). I stopped eating bread…