jb3348mfp Member


  • Hi I'm a 50 year old from UK. I've been on here for a number of years and like many I drift in and out of this although I have had some success. I'm looking to lose 15kg as I train for various runs I have planned during 2017. All new friends are very welcome!
  • Hi there, John 49 here in the South East of England. I'm looking for more friends to keep my progress on MFP going. So far I have lost 4.5kg since January with another 10kg to go. All new friends welcome!
  • Hey I'm 50 this year too and I play guitar also! I'm looking to get from 95kg to 80kg (I find it easier to measure in kgs rather than lbs). Feel free to add me,
  • Hi all, I'm starting again on mfp today. I previously lost 30 pounds but gained it all back again. I'm hoping to lose it all again by Christmas when I will be 50. Do send me a friend request if you're interested! John (UK)
  • Hi I lost 30 lbs and gained it all back. I'm starting again from today. I aim to lose that weight again before the end of the year and my 50th birthday. Wishing you every success!