Let me think about it for a while...yep.
You can do it, just keep at it one day at a time.
years ago one of my friends who has always been on the large side told me I was looking a bit big. When your big friends tell you you've got a problem, you've got a problem...
I've learned (through numerous unpleasant episodes) that I'm prone to nausea when I push myself hard. No matter what/when I eat, it happens if I overdo it. I think some folks are just more likely to get sick than others. But in time you learn your limits and can usually prevent it.
I tend to have rather low blood pressure and I've found that the standard "take it easy for 24 hours" doesn't work for me. I'm wiped out for several days and nearly pass out every time I stand up for a couple of days. I have to be really careful about when I give blood because it pretty much derails my life for a while.…
Kale, yes. Spinach, no. I don't taste the spinach at all in my smoothies, but kale does have a stronger taste and I notice it with even a little bit added.
South Carolina, anyone close by?
I'll be 40 in a few months, but with the gray hair I easily pass for 40, so I'm hoping you guys will make an exception and let me join the club.
Nicely done. I'm glad to see you've got a good perspective on things.
I broke a collarbone cycling a couple of years ago. The mental part was hard, as was the physical. Eventually you'll find something you can do, even if it's just walking, to keep you sane. Hang in there. It will pass. I promise!
Best of luck to you. You can do it, just take it one day at a time. There are lots of helpful folks here.
To hit my 2016 mileage goal by the end of August instead of the end of December.
Hmm. Okay now I'm afraid, a little bit. It's a mix of arousal and adrenaline.
Now I'm not afraid, so much as curious... And I'm not naked, but I can be soon! Bahaha
I'm a quick learner!
Again? You're a greedy one aren't you?
I tried but they won't return my calls. And they something about a restraining order?
Is this a trick question? Uh...yeah
I'd be like "hey did that lady pinch your butt too?" She seems to have a thing for that...
And for the rest of the day I'd be like "that was great coffee. And my butt is sore..."
And I'd be trying to discern if it was a obligatory meaningless hello or if it was semi-flirtatious friendly hello.
I'd give the classic "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" line.
Sure. But if we're both naked, please be careful where you point that knife.
I regularly ride with guys who are in their early seventies, and they are no joke on the bike. I hope to be in half the shape they are when I'm that age.
A couple of years ago on a bike ride I had to call it quits. It was hot and humid, and I simply couldn't finish. I had to ride in the bed of the tiny pickup up truck SAG wagon (with my bike laying on top of me), then upon exiting the truck I threw up at the front door of the YMCA where the ride started, so I had to go in…
Impressive. Great job!
When I got hungry i watched the clock and made myself wait 30 minutes to see if the craving passed. It did.
Corey. South Carolina.
I got inquiries about stuff I have listed on ebay. Hey, it's the little things...
That's a long walk, especially in this heat. Good for you!