lesliewynn14 Member


  • Name: Leslie Height: 5'4" Starting Weight (12/1): 168.4 Goal Weight (12/31): 162.4 My Fitness Pal Start Weight: 184.6 Ultimate Goal Weight: 124.6 12/1: 168.4 12/8: 166.2 12/15: 164 12/22: 166.6 12/29: 12/30: Loss/gain for the week: gained 2.6 Loss/gain for the month so far: 1.8 struggles/ victories for the week: I had a…
  • Name: Leslie Height: 5'4" Starting Weight (12/1): 168.4 Goal Weight (12/31): 162.4 My Fitness Pal Start Weight: 184.6 Ultimate Goal Weight: 124.6 12/1: 168.4 12/8: 166.2 12/15: 12/22: 12/29: 12/30: Loss/gain for the week: 2.2 Loss/gain for the month so far: 2.2 struggles/ victories for the week: restaurants!!!!!
  • I guess the reward will be new clothes. I should hit my goal weight in June and I won't have any summer clothes at all. I would really like to feel comfortable wearing cute summer dresses, maybe I will when I've lost the total 60 pounds. As far as this 15 pound challenge goes I might reward myself with something on Feb…
  • One of my pairs of jeans that were very tight on me two months ago are now baggy on me. I'm looking forward to trashing these jeans and buying a new pair. Some of my other jeans that are the same size aren't nearly as baggy on me. So I will replace one pair of pants at a time with a smaller size. I don't want to keep ANY…
  • I updated the spread sheet. I'm 3.8 pounds away from my December 25th goal, only 3 weeks away. I got this!
  • My challenge is my husband who wants to go out to eat many times during the week. I want to go out too so I have to be extra diligent with my choices. It's tough-no doubt about it- watching him eat 1500 calories worth of food while I'm trying to stay under 500 calories for the meal. I usually have between 500-700 calories…
  • I do well with thinking about loosing X number of pounds with a firm goal date. I have a goal date for my over all weight loss but this is helping me by just looking at the portion of it that I need to loose by Feb 14 in order to achieve my ultimate goal. I'm pretty sure that once I reach my ultimate goal I will have to…
  • my diet and fitness goals are: 1. exercise 5X every week, adding more challenge to my routine each week 2. keep my calories at or under the goal of 1200 3. don't go above on the sodium, this has been a consistent problem for me, I can manage the sugar, fat and carbs just fine. It is making me focus more and more about…
  • I've been walking for 1 hour 5X a week at 3.5mph-4mph, and adding in one floor exercise I can do at home every week. I now have 6 floor exercises that I do 5X a week right after my walk. I'm looking for another floor exercise to add to my routine, anyone have any suggestions? So far I do this: CRUNCHES- 60 right 60 left 60…
  • I lost 2.8 pounds last week. I'm trying to watch my sodium as well as calories. I found that when I go over on the sodium my weight loss stalls out. Not sure if that's what it's like for everyone, just what I've noticed with myself.
  • I just joined, put my data on the spread sheet.
  • December is by far the most difficult month for me. If I can just get past this month with all of the bad food choices constantly at my beck and call I know I can have victory over this weight issue.
  • I'm at 1200 also, my diary is open to friends, feel free to add me. I don't eat back any of my exercise calories. I stopped eating junk so my diary is pretty healthy. I've lost 17.2 pounds since Oct 15, 2015.
  • Perseverance and self-discipline every single day. Little by little I will meet my goal and be the best version on me that I can be.
  • Name: Leslie Height: 5'4" Starting Weight (11/1): 175 Goal Weight (11/30): 166 11/1: 175 11/6: 172 11/13: 171.8 11/20: 171.2 11/27: 169.2 11/30: 168.4 My goal was 9 pound loss, didn't meet that goal. I lost 6.6 pounds, still happy.
  • My goal is set to 2 pounds with calorie intake of 1200. I kept my calories at or just under 1200 and did not eat back any of the exercise calories lost every day for the whole month of November, not even one bad day. I exercised 5X a week also. My total weight loss for November was 6 pounds or about 1.5 pounds per week.…
  • I have 5.6 pounds to loose to meet my challenge weight by December 25th. I started late with this challenge, October 15th, so I adjusted my goal from 25 pounds to 21.6 pounds. This challenge has been a great motivator for me. There was talk on the old group (the one that mysteriously disappeared on us) about having another…
  • Mine has 1200 calorie goal with a 2 pound a week loss. I've pretty much given up junk food. If I want something "unhealthy" I'll still eat it but know that I have to give something else up so I stay withing my calorie budget. I've been drinking lots and lots of water especially before I eat so that has helped me to control…
  • My family went out to eat and I couldn't find anything on the menu that would keep me under my calorie goal. I ordered a diet coke and sipped slowly while everyone ate. The diet coke was kind of a treat; I don't have one very often. I came home and ate sensibly. I'm under my calorie goal for the day and feel empowered that…
  • Name: Leslie Height: 5'4" Starting Weight (11/1): 175 Goal Weight (11/30): 166 11/1: 175 11/6: 172 11/13: 171.8 11/20: 171.2 11/27: 169.2 11/30: Loss/gain for the week: lost 3 pounds this week Loss/gain for the month so far: lost 5.8 pounds struggles/ victories for the week: I exercised 5 days:Mon -Fri, tracked all food…
  • How do I update the spreadsheet?
  • My pants aren't digging into me and my belly isn't overhanging.
  • The "light-bulb" moment came at my teenagers orthodontist appointment. She had two top teeth that were sticking out very badly like fangs and for the last 6 months the braces were doing the work of making space for theses two teeth to start being brought into place. The orthodontist said, "I'll see you again in 8 weeks.…
  • Thanks for getting that back!!!
  • I've been getting out to the mall before it opens and walking at a very brisk pace for just over an hour. I do 10 laps around the mall while listening to my music. Afterwards I do around 30 minutes of floor exercises at home. I've been doing this M-F, not exercising on the weekends.
  • I'm smoking a turkey so there won't be any gravy. I'm also going to throw some sweet potatoes in the smoker to bake instead of the sweet potato casserole. Instead of the green bean casserole I'm roasting fresh beans with a little bit of olive oil and salt. I'm skipping the biscuits and dessert. I've got some mangos and…
  • I started on October 15th at 184.6. My goal is to loose 60 pounds to put me at 125. So far I've lost 16 pounds. I aiming to loose 1% per week so that will be sometime around June for me to be at my goal weight. I've been walking Monday-Friday and doing some simple exercises at home. I don't usually exercise on the…