RalphtheWeber Member


  • I've been using the Avia stride. Walmart for around $45.00 problem is after a month you an wear out the button. have tried contacting the people but so far no reply. I guess you get what you pay for but its still accessible via the phone thru there app. which is also used for a similar band and app.
  • I combined decaf with the caffeine coffee to reduce the amount of caffeine and I don't have the shakes. I use to drink pots of coffee and had to scale it back.yes there is a draw back. We all have to know our limits. But know where to draw the line.
  • I am going to look up your test though I want to better understand this.
  • I've never done ALCAT but it did go to allergists. I am across th the board with food allergies. I do my best with watching what I eat. Sometimes have some issues do to not all the ingredients are listed. But I wish you luck. An allergist and a nutritionist have you done or tried both? Sometimes finding out what's going on…
  • My luck I'm behind another guy pass :) lol
  • I've been on and off for years. Thought, what was your reasons for getting here? You can get back on the your feet. Heck I done the same thing. But my inspiration, is seeing others who have overcome and made the same mistakes. Seeing my clothes get loose again. You are human like the rest of us. The truth is not to beat…