kikijewell89 Member


  • Is Lipton a healthy choice?
  • Like I said several times before this ISNT my claim. Merely what I've read up on. My intentions for this post were already stated
  • Thanks!! I'll consider trying that brand...
  • thank you I appreciate that and like I said I would like to use this post for its intended purposes which wasn't a debate on whether or not green tea helps you lose weight but rather people's preferences for brands of healthy green tea
  • yes I understand that, and that makes sense but as someone who enjoys green tea hearing that it may help you lose weight it definitely does not hurt to drink a few more glasses a day.. I personally wouldn't consider it wasted effort or energy
  • It most definitely doesn't hurt to give green tea a try. This was not posted as a debate as to whether or not green tea WILL make you loose weight, it contains healthy properties, and if there are several doctors and Studies suggesting that it may help, than it certainly doesn't hurt to try. I may be new to MFP. But I'm…
  • Try the second.
  • Yes! Studies, not doctor oz, not blogs. Studies.. Here's one, there are several others you can look up yourself. Http://
  • I've been reading alot of studies that suggest that drinking 3 cups a day aids in a substantial amount in long term weight loss..