Danny140492 Member


  • Yeah I'm 250lbs hence why I've been generally hitting 250g protein daily, my maintenance calories sit at 3000 I'm hitting 2000 daily now, I train hard and eat well I'm sure I'll be fine Cheers all
  • Okay I need to work out my macros I want to lose fat, on my stomach and sides, I'm athletic built and have started training again after Christmas break I train weights high intensity 5 times per week and do cardio interval also 5 times I need to work or the best macro split up lose fat whilst also keeping muscle mass I'm…
  • By the way I'm 6ft 5 missed that out
  • Thanks mate I'll have a look
  • I'm keeping my protein around 200-220g.. I currently weigh 116kgs, not fat just need to get rid of stomach fat... I weight train five times a week high intensity and do high intensity interval cardio so I need to keep protein up
  • I'm not on Facebook so Ican't look haha
  • Cheers mate I'll take a look
  • Hi you 4 Finally some posters who actually read haha You guys who say I have high protein, I worked the protein out using a proper macros calc.. I am 255lbs so I'm working off around 1g protein per lbs.. my protein intake is so high as I will be doing a lot of high intensity cardio along with my weights so don't want to be…
  • And run around ..,I worked out I Need to consume around 2300-2500 calories per day But I Need a high protein plan so I'm not losing muscle... For my body weight I would Need around 260g of protein per day
  • I don't think people are quite understanding, I know I Need to eat less and move more I get that, but if you read what I put.. I don't want to have to think what should I eat today hence if I have a plan to follow I can prepare my meals so I know what I have... Never mind ...
  • I stated I want a diet plan so I have something to work off instead of thinking what should I eat today... Hence why I asked if anyone had a diet plan its not that hard to understand