Clironka Member


  • Thanks for all input. Ghee doesn't suit me, have tried it. I just cannot digest dairy in any form. I already eat oily fish and fattier meats, eat the skin from chicken and duck. Will follow the link to the dairy-free lady. Thanks for the help.
  • My calories are between 1500 and 1850 each day. I eat eggs, fish, meat for breakfast and lunch sometimes with homemade mayonnaise. I reserve my leafy veg for my evening (main) meal. I cook the meat and fish in olive oil, have tried coconut oil but only like it with chicken. With all dairy out, I cannot see how to include…
  • I'm trying to follow LCHF, but struggling at the moment. Dairy is OUT, I add oil to veg, make my own mayonnaise, have tried cooking with coconut oil - jury is out - eat green leafy veg, no fruit, no alcohol. I've cut my 6-8 black no-sugar coffees to 2 -3. I'm sure I'm eating too much protein, BUT I get hungry - often. Even…
  • We're going to be in Madeira for Christmas and New Year. Holiday and Xmas season! Plenty of fish and fresh veg, good - the grilled skewers ( enormous) and salads are wonderful. The wines, port and canapés- problem. Don't do desserts, no sweet tooth. Hope to find a happy medium.
  • SE London - Suffolk born
  • BREAD!!! Especially speciality breads
  • I'm 65 - hope I'm not TOO old! From London, England. Mother of 3, Grandmother, Great-grandmother, a bookkeeper, still working, keen gardener, love theatre, art galleries and generally sightseeing. Was widowed 9 years ago, lucky enough to meet a widower and re-marry 3 years ago. Having had some joint problems and serious…
  • Just went from start to finish on this thread. The EYES!!!! So many beautiful shiny eyes revealed, previously obscured by chubby faces.
  • Phizzgig - do hope you are finding your way to coping. As I said earlier, Vitamin D supplements helped me a lot. I also found that giving up my much loved COFFEE, improved me very quickly, I now have some pain free days, hoping that weight loss will bring even more improvement.
  • Vitamin D supplements helped me enormously