Which food is your self destruct button ?



  • Clironka
    Clironka Posts: 10 Member
    BREAD!!! Especially speciality breads
  • intelligirl
    intelligirl Posts: 15 Member
    Cookies. I've gotten much, much better at moderation, but having cookies in my apartment is problematic. Recently, I brought home a box of cookies from the store. They sat in my cupboard unopened for about a week. Then I got some bad news and my thoughts immediately turned to the cookies. The next hour went a lot like this: Sits on couch upset. Thinks about cookies. Enters two cookies into MFP. Stands up to get cookies. Realizes that two cookies won't do. Sits down. Enters two more cookies into MFP. Stands up to get cookies. Sits back down to figure out how many cookies will fit in rest of day's calories. Considers logging some tomorrow. Realizes that there is a strong possibility that the whole box will be eaten. Grabs the cookies, runs into apartment hallway, and drops them into the trash chute like a crazy person. Back on the couch upset, but not thinking about cookies.

    It's a work in progress.
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    Wine or beer. Moderation wasn't working so well so I cut it out completely.
  • cannedgoo
    cannedgoo Posts: 72 Member
    Drinking pop always starts me off to a rough day (especially because one can turns into 2-3 through the day)...also chipotle burritos. If I get a bowl I can easily eat it as two meals. As a burrito I eat the whole thing at once, get a stomach ache, and lay down instead of exercise...plus the entire chipotle burrito thing.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    edited October 2015
    Salty crunchy potato chips, the kind with ridges. If I bring a big bag home I will eat the bag in two days, even if I tell myself "you will portion these chips out". I won't. And I like wine with chips. So it's better just not to have them in the house. I'll eat them at church potlucks, or sometimes I'll buy a single bag, or something like that. But no big bags in my house.

    It's only chips... I love ice cream but I can bring a carton of it home, eat a little bit, then put it in the freezer and not think about it for several days. Same with chocolate -- I buy a bag of Dove dark miniatures and will sometimes eat two after dinner. But not every day, and even though I know that bag is in the cupboard I have no craving to eat all of them.

    But those chips.... :neutral::o
  • sinbad714
    sinbad714 Posts: 28 Member
    Dove Chocolate . Nuff said!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    edited October 2015
    That craisins trail mix with the nuts, cranberries, and dark chocolate. The perfect mixture of sweet, salty, chewy, and crunchy. The serving size is something ridiculous like 2 tbsp. Portioning it out is laughable. On the very rare occasion I buy it, I do it knowing full well that the whole bag is going down in one sitting. I don't know that it's a self-destruct button, more of a supervillian-style doomsday device, as it's completely within my control and wreaks havoc in one specific way, leaving everything else relatively untouched and enjoyable for me. (note to self, make an entry in the food database for "doomsday device" and annoyingly leave out a few stats. Mwahahaha)

    Edit: Oxford comma.
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I have hollow legs when it comes to pasta. My portion sizes now are very sensible but if I had double I'd still eat it all.
  • Legacy1963
    Legacy1963 Posts: 3 Member
    chocolate anything. It's my kryptonite.
  • Sullivanna1958
    Sullivanna1958 Posts: 2 Member
    M & M milk chocolate or peanut butter, the bag is gone in days! Have to not even bring in the house!
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    probably soda. I actually had it cut out of my diet except occasionally for years (i have mega cavity prone teeth) but man lately I can't shake it. Really though anything that is snack food, I love to snack.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    Craft beer. Cause once I'm a little tipsy I move on to worse things. Beer is a total gateway food for me. I'm never giving it up though, so I have to figure this out. Oh, and bread. Really good, fresh baked, still warm bread. I'll eat the whole loaf. With butter.

    yea man I love craft beer ugh. Like you said tho I aint eva giving it up. Also fresh baguettes with real butter and a little salt is probably my death row meal.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    This is going to sound "bro-ish" but it's the truth.......sweet potato with almond butter and cinnamon. Could literally eat like 10 of these...and go back for more
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Nothing. I never ate loads of any one thing.

    It's the portion size that little by little made my weight creep up.

    Yay for weighing and calorie counting!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Banoffee pie, or birthday cakes made by my talented baker friend.

    As moreish as crack, they are.
  • vessenna
    vessenna Posts: 5 Member
    Cheese Burger with bacon and greasy american fries...
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    dairymilk..galaxy.. i could eat a whole bar