abstractbunyip Member


  • do it now!
  • my wife never wanted to do strength training for fear of getting to bulky but since she finally got convinced and not by me she has seen an incredible change in her ability to lose weight. a few posts above have alluded to it but when you damage your muscles in strength training the need to repair. the need a regular…
  • i wouldnt rely just on scales. my wife stagnated recently and stayed the same weight buttttt she was still losing cm's. check your body measurements. muscle growth weighs more than fat but it is slow and also water retention can cause your weight to fluctuate. do strength training at least three times a week as well as…
  • my wife is doing similiar atm. shes short on friends here so far. search for her on rellyisfit. shes currently doing a 12 week Genesis challenge to quick start her and shes doing great. You can do it too but it has to be consistent. shes doing about two hours a day strength and cardio six days a week and lost 17kg in nine…
  • good job. keep at it. i fell off the wagon for six years instead of six months. been back at it for three weeks and feel fantastic.