Think the scales are out.....

RL_83 Posts: 4 Member
I've been weighing in at my local leisure centre scales for the past month.its a digital scale that prints out your weight, height, BMW and body fat etc. For the past 3 weigh ins I've stayed exactly the same and have just returned from a week all inclusive holiday! While this is great I'm worried about how reliable the scales are. Should I keep at it and stuck to the just the one set? If I start using others it may just jumble things up? X


  • RL_83
    RL_83 Posts: 4 Member
    *BMI* not BMW - I wish! :D x x
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Can you ask at the leisure centre when the scales where last calibrated? This should indicate if they are regularly checked.
  • abstractbunyip
    abstractbunyip Posts: 7 Member
    i wouldnt rely just on scales. my wife stagnated recently and stayed the same weight buttttt she was still losing cm's. check your body measurements. muscle growth weighs more than fat but it is slow and also water retention can cause your weight to fluctuate. do strength training at least three times a week as well as cardio every day. you can have one or two days break if you need recovery
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Use the same scales in the same place on the floor at the same time wearing the same clothes. This gives you consistency. Switching scales, location, or time of day will jumble things up as you say. Weighing at times other than first thing in the morn before eating also causes more variation. I weigh at home as well as at my trainers studio. His scale is 1-2 lbs more than mine when used side by side. Plus I'm there later in the day so i weigh more because of that too.