laurencedavies Member


  • I tend to not go into too much details on contents like sugars etc. kinda work off cal content and off a common sense approach of. Beers, crips, bread bad. Veg, fruit balanced meals good. As a bloke I can't be doing with details hahaha. X
  • I've also found eating what was 5 a day (now 7) can be real hard so I purchased a cheapie smoothie maker, found it a great way to get 3 or 4 in one go! Now have a freezer draws full of frozen fruits, I tend to blitz a pear and apple and add some frozen mango or berries. No added sugar apple juice and a table spoon of low…
  • Looks like a beautiful walk by the sea.. So lucky!!
  • Defo!! My biggest thing was beer/ wine. I now have five booze free days which helps and also saves my cals for a little more food (the correct foods) Nothing better than stepping on the scales and seeing a pound dropped off.. No great rush to try and drop 3pounds a week etc. Nice and steady, the correct food and adding a…
  • Thanks :) I'm getting used to it now, my hardest thing was cutting down on alcohol! But once I got my head round that it became easier. Thank you for your reply x
  • I wouldn't get hung up about it. Set yourself a realistic goal. Keep to your recommended cal count. I tend to write a menu for the week before I do my online food shop. I've found it a great way to eat a balanced diet and also keep it interesting ie, fish one day, a veggie day and chicken day.. Lots of veg.. Swapping cows…
  • Hey good luck!! This is a great site to loose weight without having to do crash diets. Good luck x