alicafernandez Member


  • I got itchy spots when I was pregnant so I started using bio-oil for my problem or else you can try this lotion which my friend suggested to me once, the bio-oil was not that helpful so I started using the lotion and within weeks the itchiness went away.
  • There is some part of it related to your diet which cause pimples and acne. If you eat oily on regular basis then it must be the case for your pimples. But if not then you have to use correct skincare product for yourself which will effective cure your pimple problems. I genuinely believe that using the asset of organic…
  • California Olive Ranch, Actually it is effective. You can read more for it on google.
  • Its important to have a good diet and along with this, its even more important to have essential skincare for acne. Hormonal problems will come but its our responsibility to ensure our skincare regime.