szewczykm Member


  • OK, I understand this now. With that knowledge, would a proper plan be to continue at a deficit, continue with weight training but only with the idea of saving some muscle as I lose weight, then once I get to a goal weight, start the surplus/build + deficit/cut cycle?
  • OK, as amazing as her body is, I'm mostly sitting here with my mouth agape because of the strength and grace. Wow. Funny conversation from the other day in the car, passing a woman on a bike. My wife, "I saw you checking her out!" Me, "Sadly, I was actually checking out her bike."
  • I started Yoga again last week and I was struggling with my loose shirt completely dropping down over my head when in downward facing poses. I may wear a cycling jersey tonight because they stay in place. Until I find a better solution.
  • Yea, between carrying the weight and thousands of miles of cycling I'm pretty happy with my legs :smiley:. It's my upper body I want to improve. But I'll be patient.
  • This was a great article. I really feel the fog is starting to clear and it explains some things I've experienced in the past. Thanks so much for the advice and the article. usmcmp - Thanks for the input too!
  • Seems like a great spectator sport.