MrsT1610 Member


  • I think its difficult to quantify in terms of percentages. I have been known to see more of a drop on the scales week to week when I just do it through diet and not exercise but I am much happier with my shape when I include weight training. I also find it easier to stick to a diet if I'm exercising, it just puts me in a…
  • Best way to stick to a plan is not to beat yourself up when you fall off it. Think long term vision not short term goal. If you focus too hard on short term goals/ weight losses you're more likely to throw the towel in when you don't meet them. If you have a weekend off your plan then so what?? The 'damage' will be small…
  • You said that you can't lose weight with higher carbs, which is wrong. [/quote] I actually said that I PERSONALLY find it harder to lose weight with higher carbs not that everyone would struggle. The original post asked for views on these plans and having done both I gave my experience of them. Not claiming to be an expert…
  • What is wrong with processed food and sugar? [/quote] If you re-check what I wrote, I think you'll find I did...
  • "Healthy", "clean eating" and low carb in one response. Classic[/quote] What words would you prefer I used to describe cutting out processed, artificial, sugar-laden crap?
  • Of the two , Joe Wicks is the healthier option in my opinion. Slimming World works for a lot of people, especially those with a lot to lose as its restricts foods with high "syn" values but does allow for a lot of sugar and carbs as they have no limitations on fruit, pasta etc . SW also don't discourage heavily processed…
  • Actually got asked today about "starvation mode". If starvation mode caused you to gain weight then anorexia would have the opposite effect and we wouldn't need so many charity workers risking their own lives and health to deliver food aid to war torn countries. Just be glad you have the luxury of being able to decide for…
  • There's always a way of keeping busy until its free but you run the risk of someone else cutting in when they finish and you're back in the same position. Sub in another exercise and be patient. Unless they are texting / facebooking etc. Then I figure its ok to snatch their phone out of their hand and beat them with it! :-)
  • I have PCOS but after following a low carb / low sugar diet for a long time now I have all my symptoms under control (without meds) and maintaining the lowest weight I've been in my entire adult life (I'm 37).
  • Workouts that claim to "blast belly fat"!! like you can choose where the fat disappears from! Any kind of diet plan that sells "meal replacement" bars/shakes etc. What's wrong with real food?? Juicing.
  • Adding protein to everything means you can eat as much of it as you like..... protein cookies, protein brownies, protein flapjack, protein mug cake..etc etc.... Oh and "sugar-free" recipes that use dates, fruit, maple syrup or honey instead!!
  • Looking at your calorie intake my guess would be that you're not eating enough to sustain the amount of exercise you say you're doing. If you're only taking in 1200 cals per day and burning 600 through exercise its little wonder you're tired all the time!! You're functioning on 600 cals per day when someone your size is…
  • As long as it isn't more than a tablespoon full I wouldn't worry about it... it is a healthy fat and if you're not eating carbs your body needs them for fuel.
    in Olive oil? Comment by MrsT1610 July 2016
  • There is no harm in taking a week of from your diet, especially now that you know how to put things right when you get back. That said, if you really don't want to have re-lose the weight you've already lost just bear that mind every time you put something extra on your plate. Either way enjoy it, life is for living not…
  • I don't like the term 'cheat' it implies something to feel guilty about. I prefer to think about scheduling in 'treats' which are 'earned' through the hard work of sticking to my plan the rest of the time...
  • Doesn't matter what time you are training you really should have something to eat afterwards to aid your recovery...
  • You could try using a different type of protein such a hemp or pea protein and add to almond milk (whey and skimmed milk both dairy and this could be what's causing the bloat)...
  • Thanks folks... always done it, everyone I know does it and so far no comments from anyone that thinks its a bad idea... So, I'm just gonna keep doing it!
    in Proats Comment by MrsT1610 July 2016
  • Was kind of hoping for an impartial viewpoint...
    in Proats Comment by MrsT1610 July 2016