redbod Member


  • Dont give up! Im the same but have an end goal in mind and that keeps me going! I have also started swimming and 1/2hr of that shifts more weight than a 3hr bike ride!
  • I have given up before so know about the headaches! I think the problem is I only drink redbull and diet coke, i dont do hot drinks at all. Ive also struggled to loose weight after the initial 1/2st and read recently that even diet sodas can add to that belly fat! I stick to my calories and exercise alot!!
  • Go swimming!! Best way to burn calories and easier on the knees, i wasnt a keen swimmer but found some lessons and have been trying to do front crawl! I can cycle 30miles but loose more swimming for 30mins! X
  • I had this until recently - usually resulting in migraines!Im still very careful and make sure i eat/drink before a work out and if i know its going to be a tough one i take nurofen before i start but non of these actually stopped the mugraines. However two things have occurred recently and i put it down to either one of…