

  • It depends what your after, if your only looking at losing fat or if your losing fat and trying add muscle (bulk or define). I would get rid of the kellogs (too much sugar in the crap) in the morning and milk and replace with oats or eggs. Your pretty good with your vegies. But I would get rid of the yoghurt, mostly full…
  • Depends what your wanting to acheive, and what your lacking in your diet. I use ladybird for a protein shake (post and pre workout) and BNS with oats for a wonderful start to the day.
  • I love soy and have never had a problem with it. Both are processed and both have their pros and cons. I just would never touch rice milk =/
  • I have herd from a few of my friends who have done it that it does work.. I just wanted to hear if anyone on here has tried it..