jgaffney86 Member


  • I felt the exact same wat stickkop... Thats true wizzybth, I was asking regarding the new program. I think they have changed they frequency of the weigh ins....not sure though and was just wondering.
  • I heard also they changed like the way in method? Do you only weigh in once a month or something like that now? Or is it still once a week and then they look at it per month?
  • Just curious also.....have they ever gotten thru updating there website? It was just terrible. Also....there community seemed to have greatly dwindled down.....
  • All great comments here thanks! I have found brown rice and whole wheat pasta keep me full a little bit longer. Whole wheat is generally a healthier option for you. Although same in calories there is still alot more nutritional benefits from whole wheat (I usually buy organic whole wheat when I can) But I have been reading…
  • My main point from that is they taught me how to switch out the foods I ate regularly for more healthy options. White Pasta with Whole Wheat, Lean Beef, Light or Fat free options, White Rice for Brown Rice. Also, about portion size. A typical bagel with cream cheese compared to about 3 eggs, light toast, and veggies (maybe…
  • Awesome comments! I left about November - December area....when they were going thru there website transition. That really turned me off big time.... I wonder if they ever got it working again and all updated lol. It was taking forever....lol
  • If you bite it you write it! Fruits and Veggies have calories. Bananas usually around 110 calories ish. Apples around 80 depending on size. That can all add up!
  • I did WW for about 12 years and lost 80 pounds. I have managed to keep most of it off. The biggest difference to me between like MFP and WW is the Points vs Calories and the food education. Weight Watchers does a fantastic job giviing you a good food education. With MFP you need to dig a little to get this information.…
  • MFP should change your caloric intake when you log your weight in. I have always done 1 way in per week and no more than that. Anything over that and it becomes impulsive lol. Besides its not all about the scale anyway. If you feel, you can do different body measurements. You may have some weeks where you retain alot of…
  • If your hungry after about 3 hours is that pretty normal. I started eating 6 smaller meals a day with 2 glasses of water each meal. This has helped me greatly keep my hunger down. Or 5 meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.
  • I always have measuring cups and scales handy in he kichen. The scale is ALWAYS sitting on the counter for quick access. I also have this bowl set that is used for eating. Can't find a link but the bowls range from quarter cup to 1 cup. Very handy for doing dips, ice cream, or cereal. I also have this…
  • Newer studies are coming out about how some full fat foods are better for you and keep you full longer. Off the top of my head these fats are Peanut Butter, Milk, Cheese (string cheese for snack?), oil, BACON! (can you believe that?), Yogurt, peanuts, are some exmaples. For alot of foods, fat is replaced with sugar anyway.…
  • Yeah...I have seen the cooked entry. I like to cook my fries pretty crispy also which would make it way even less. Kinda gets me nervous using the cooked entry as the weight might be more...
  • I have been on this weight loss journey for 12 years now. I have kept most of it off. I have to say the biggest thing for me is my mindset. I'm going to be watching my weight for the rest of my life. Some weeks it will be great. Some weeks I'll fall of the wagon. But I just keep going. I never quit. I know other failures…
  • Just a side note. I have found the pizza chains to be a little higher in calories and what not than generic pizzas. I guess this is from all the garbage and chemicals in them to preserve it. So if you are using a chain pizza to count your local shop, Id say your safe,
  • When I make a new recipe I have never done before, I lay EVERYTHING i used out on the counter. From my cookbook or whatever I used to make the recipe, I begin going down the list and scanning each item with the App. I find this WAY easier as sometimes the recipe builder will pull in the wrong item and Ill have to go…
  • Also keep in mind and like stated above, we tend to get a little lax after a period of time. You may be keeping a good journal but how are your portions? Are you truly weighing just one cup? Weighing those 3oz? Are you nibbling here and there and not logging it? If you bite it, you write it!. Also look at your weight loss…
  • I think that was one of the issues with WW. Although they did say fruits and veggies were zero points.....your suppose to still have them in moderation. I ate probably a little more than I should because of this. I'll give you some examples of meals. I have been actually eating smaller meals 6 times a day. REALLY has…
  • A great place to start are the stickies in certain sections of these forums. Thell give you a great jumb start about calories and such. Here are some links i found from the MFP Blog...also another good area to start reading in. Last, you can search these forums for whatever questions you may have. Remember to take some…
  • I lost 80 pounds and I have managed to keep most of it off for 12 years with WW. Just switched to MVP 3 weeks ago now. WW does a great job of teaching people who know nothing about food and guiding you into the right direction that I will say. What drove me away is there app is just terrible and there website is totally…
  • I have been using MVP for 2 weeks not and I already like it better. In fact, I canceled my WW subscription last Friday. They are going thru a website overhall right now and its a disaster. Can someone please answer my above question on the beef?
  • Sherrybomb71, Are you serious what would the lady do when you didn't loose weight? lol. That's ridiculous. What they do with there body and food is there business...there just there to help the process lol. Also....on lean meats. What percentage do you guys typically use for beef? I would love to buy 90% beef as its…
  • I lost 80 pounds 12 years ago now and I have still managed to keep most of it off. What resulted from that was a lifestyle change. That change was logging what I ate, eating healthy foods, checking portions, excersice, and making healthy recipes that tasted great! Loosing weight and maintaining requires to you keep these…
  • Another question I was thinking of is there filling foods list. I know one of the items was 93% beef was a filling food. Does this technically mean 90% isnt as filling? To me....all a filling food can be is something with lots of a fiber and protein and low on carbs and fat. I would like to buy 90 instead of 93......93 is…
  • This week I plan on having half cup dry oatmeal cooked ...mixed with Boston creme light yogurt and quarter of a cup of raspberries I don't mind having the same thing for a bit...
  • FlynLass Thanks for the comment :) . I am in the same point. Im a very techy person and the new site and etools are just errible and not worth my money. How has this program been so far for you? Does it still give you the freedom to eat out and such? I did like the 49 weekly points. I feel if I can look at this from a…
  • Yeah I heard people talking about it also. How long have you been on this program now? MFP I mean
  • Okay thanks for that! Im really likeing this database alot better also than the WW one. Also, do you have any fav websites where you get recipies and food/meal plans off besides the blog here?
  • . Removed this - my apologies. wanted to start another Thread ftsolk. Congrats on your great accomplishments so far. I have been reading alot on the forums about points and what not. Like stated ....i look at my calories from a weekly perspective than a daily one. just eat less one day then you can save and indulge and…