dustinjbrock Member


  • Thanks everyone for your replies, I appreciate them all!!
  • Healthier than obesity.
  • This was my 90 day photo. I went from 228lbs to 200lbs and put on something like 5lbs or so of lean muscle. I work 7 on 7 off so I went to the gym all of my 7 off days. Heavy weight training and low intensity cardio, just walking on the treadmill.
  • Alot of the same foods you can make the family, you can turn keto. Taco night..... Just lose the shell. Pizza night..... Just eat toppings Hamburger night.... No bun A flip side, there are loads of keto bread or bun recipes out there that literally take a few minutes to make. You can quickly fry one up and use it for any…
  • Great advice! And probably often overlooked.... by me at least lol.
  • Absolute difference! Definitely more toned. When I lost weight, I didn't even notice but the pants don't lie! After a couple months intook a pic in the mirror and that's when I saw it was drastic. 9lbs is good but not a drastic change where people would notice day to day, if you were to drop another 5 or 10... that's where…
  • Depends on the medicine, if it's medical marijuana then your in trouble lol can't kill the munchies! If it's possible, knowing this is a constant problem..... maybe push supper later in the day by a hour and try and eat a little more of your calories at that time. The hope is maybe you'd still be full.
  • Yes you'll need to watch your protein. Taking in your max amount first thing in the morning can make it hard to maintain later in the day because all your left to eat is greens, avacados and oils if you don't want to eat more protein. I'd say do one or the other in the morning, and with either make sure to add some fat.…
  • Keto
  • Upping the intensity of your cardio could possibly be your answer. I used to just walk or slight jog for a hour on a decent pace with the treadmill about 2% incline or so but found I get way way better results if I crank up the incline and just walk slow uphill. Whatever cardio you do, up the resistance. Less time at…
  • I've done keto for a while. I'm a trucker so when I'm on the road, my optiins for the diet are a little limited but whem im home.... i absolutelt love it! There are so many recipes you can make of all your favorite foods! Alot of cooking and prep work for them but it makes it seem like im not even on a diet. I've tried 5…
  • I have GERDS and have been on Nexium for 14 years. Doctor is getting worried as Nexium is not for long term use but nothing else has worked. I take a pill a day and can eat anything in the world but if I miss 1 pill, I'm throwing up stomach acid mid day. 2 diets solved this problem. Keto and Gluten free. Of course Keto…
  • Day 1 take a picture with as little clothing as would be acceptable to show people.... just incase you ever wanna show off side by side to friends. After a few weeks, take another picture. When I started out losing weight I was 228lbs, I dropped down to around 215 but didn't really feel like I looked much different. I knew…
  • :D :D :D Bro-science :D :D :D The best thing I've heard all week! And so accurate!
  • Bodybuilders use this technique alot. Carb loading, carb cycling or Carb refeeds. The idea is your metabolism becomes a little lax which is why you plateau, having a "refeed" or Carb loading day supposedly kick starts your metabolism back into high gear. I have found this community a little close minded in regards to any…
  • I never claimed I know all, where did this come from? What's my metric? My science? Come on now, are you just here to bully people into your way of thinking? My science is a mirror, listen to the mirror and not people on a forum.
  • Bmi Is a very flawed guideline.
  • If you've gotten stuck and working out is not a option. (Just a normal walk can help) if your calories are good and you still can't make it over the hump, you could try limiting starches and sugars.
  • According to whom? You do not know this person or what muscle percentage they may or may not have.
  • I feel your pain! I Just had my bachelor party and went back home for the weekend to visit family. I've been on a 5 or 6 day hiatus but I'm not sweating it. Doesn't matter if you fall off the horse.... just matters that you get back on!
  • I'm with these other 2. I believe they work but cannot verify it. I am a truck driver and have some that I use often, I also walk and am on a keto diet and go to the gym for heavy weights whenever I am able to so it's hard to say how much the bands do. One of my drivers was a jacked up little Frenchman, amazing shape and…
  • Your gonna get home and your normal routine will seem so much easier lol
  • I emailed and asked, it would appear many have asked and that's the responce I got...... It's very easy to figure out. I'd prefer if it would be a option so it doesn't look like I had high carb days when I just eat a couple avacados but oh well.
  • I mix a bit if salsa in with my brown rice, tastes like Spanish rice..... well poor man's Spanish rice I guess but yummy none the less.
  • The very first thing I did when I decided to get healthier was to cut out canned foods, That was my first step.
  • I was using the mfp to track calories. With most diets when you follow them closely, you'll lose mostly water weight but that couple pounds off the scale and seeing a little result in the mirror is what's always motivated me to then continue on with any diet I've tried. I found that even the slightest result helps get a…
  • Excuse me? First of all, the op stated she's looking to lose weight, not build muscle. Second, yes you can build muscle, I lost 30lbs fat and gained 7lbs muscle on a calorie deficient diet so go ahead and tell me what I cannot do. Depending on the type of diet a person is on, all of those things may have a place but my…
  • Whatever exercise you do, make sure st the height of it that you engage your core and hold, so at the top of a sit up, hold for a second and flex those abs as hard as you can.... squeeze! You'll find you can do way less and achieve more. I'm not exactly a 6 pack expert but that's what I found at least, I can feel the burn…
  • I really like the myofusion brand of protein shake. Chocolate and cookies and creme yum!