z_roar Member


  • you'll be fine, enjoy yourself! If you're a daily weigh in person just be sure not to let tomorrow's number bother you too much. Generally (depending on what I have) I'm a few pounds heavier the morning after a night out but it comes right off in a few days. Enjoy! :)
  • Thank you very much!
  • Hey there, First off I totally agree with this poster ^^^^ Secondly, I'm in the same boat as you. Started off losing weight, got down to 118 and then binged my way to 155 and now down to 148 with a goal of 125. I have the same issue with thinking "oh, I'll just get it out of my system and then I won't be tempted anymore".…
  • Hey there! 5'4 (and 1/2 haha) here! 25, my starting weight was 155, currently at 150.6 after 18 days of logging and moderate exercise. My first "mini" goal is to be 12lbs down by Valentine's day and my ultimate goal I'm hoping to hit 118 GW mid 2016 :smile:
  • Whoa whoa whoa! Eating raw isn't healthy?! Somehow I think veggies, legumes, fruit and nuts are all incredibly healthy. The only reason I'd think it wouldn't be good long term is if you're not planning to commit to such a strict lifestyle. Other than that do what works for you! If you feel good go for it. You're fueling…
    in Raw Diet Comment by z_roar December 2015
  • ^^^ this. People have preferences and that's totally fine. Just because someone doesn't find you attractive due to your weight does not make them a bad person or a "b****rd". Thinking that all men are supposed to flock to you like they may do with your smaller friends is just a bit ridiculous. If they don't prefer a larger…