Taraaccount Member


  • Yes Tracy did post some useful advice above. I think most influential girls get problems with food at some point but it's the getting over them that's important. Thanks you for your concern Mij140. Wishing you a Happy holiday xox
  • dear kenyonhaff, I'm not exactly in my thirties or any where near to be honest. I know that a doctor would be the best person to go to in this predicament but it's not on etching I'm open about with even my family or even my friends. This habit started when I noticed that other girls in school went on diets yet they didn't…
  • To JustMissTracy I sorry to hear about your struggle back I'm glad you did speak to a therapist, it seems like they've done a good job. I hope you win this fight and you're right there are many people alike on here. Xox
  • Thank you. You're right, that's makes me feel so much better. How did you get over or try to solve your binge eating problems? Sending love back xox
  • I don't think I'm exactly old enough to being experience menopause. I realise there is something wrong I'm just not so sure how to fix it on my own and it's embarrassing to talk to doctors about it. Hence why I feel better talking to those that understand on here. Xox
  • Thank you for the link jgnatca I will use this. Hopefully it helps xox
  • Thank you guys for your lovely comments, I really do appreciate the moral support you have given