My period

As you know, a women's period is a sign of health and life. It is the way that women can tell that their bodies are fit enough to to carry a child. Unfortunately my last post regarded binge eating and feeling bloating constantly. I really appreciated the feedback and support I got but since then I reduced my calorie intake by so much that I no longer felt hunger and I didn't want to eat food. I started cutting out certain foods, even healthy ones, if they had too much fat, sugar or calories even if they were naturally occurring such as in fruit or nuts. When ever I eat over 1000 calories in one day, I would bloat and feel so guilty. Yet an average women needs between 1800 and 2000 calories per day. Thus I was under eating by around 4 days per week. I would find a way to purge to get rid of calories if I ate too much. I lost my period after the 2nd January 2016 and managed to lose nearly a whole stone in weight when I really didn't need to. During this time I did not tell anyone about my eating problems or the lost of my period. It stressed me out not telling anyone, I felt ashamed whilst I started to see the bones in my spine more than ever before. My family started to notice my weight loss and my change in diet and made unnecessary comments to made me feel worse. I then started to pretend to make meals, then put as much as I could of the meal in my mouth but then leave the room to spit the food back out. I even started to tell my family that I had already eaten to avoid eating dinner, which resulted in isolating myself. I have always loved the taste of food but I no longer wanted it in my body. Today it is the 2nd November 2016 and I have been crying in shock since I have just got my period back due to incorporating more complex carbs such as fruit vegetables and fruit as well as whole grains into my diet and eating more, but also clean. I wanted to post this story to just it off my chest. I don't know whether I'm happy or sad about today but I am most definitely surprised. Please if anyone else what's to know more or is facing a similar situation, just give me a quick comment or message. To take from this: eat clean and eat enough, good luck to everyone who changing their life for the better ☺️ X


  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    congratulations that you took ownership and that you are starting to heal. Today begins your healing :) and thank you for sharing for although I am not in the same situation but it takes guts to share.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Congratulations! Healthy is better than skinny, as anyone who has been sick will tell you.
  • Taraaccount
    Taraaccount Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you guys for your lovely comments, I really do appreciate the moral support you have given
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