kharve09 Member


  • This sounds really good, I'll have to try it soon! Do you know how many calories or servings it makes?
  • Oh I love pizza :smile: We made this pizza the other night, and it was awesome. It's part mozzarella and part smoked gouda cheese. We used Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce and added extra onion and jalapeno peppers. It came to around 250 calories a slice, I think. Oh, and I make my own pizza dough, but she has a link to hers if…
  • Don't be so hard on yourself, weight loss isn't an easy thing to accomplish! I find it easier by finding foods that you love and making sure that you eat them on a regular basis. For example, I LOVE chocolate - I could never go a long period without it. So I've been buying those big Ghirardelli bars when they go on sale (I…
  • This happens to me all the time. BUT don't give up! I got frustrated last year and gave up on trying to lose weight, thinking I could just do it casually on my own. Well last week I finally got on the scale again and i gained back the the ten pounds that I lost last year. That's such a crappy feeling. Not to mention, now…
  • All great suggestions, thanks! :) And I agree with those of you who said that you try not to drink wine at's too dangerous! Like the other night, my fiance and I made BBQ chicken pizza and I decided to have a glass of wine with it. I ended up having two and half glasses and one too many slices of the pizza…
  • I'm 24 and just under 5'1. My current weight is 150 and my ultimate goal weight is 115 pounds (I have a small frame) but I'd be happy with 125.
  • Thank you for posting this, it definitely made my day :)
  • I got into the habit of always grabbing a breakfast bar (Belvita, Nature Valley, etc) whenever I didn't have time to make breakfast - which was almost everyday. But those are expensive and not particularly filling or good tasting. Now, I try to make my breakfast ahead of time so it's equally convenient, but cheaper and…
  • Hope it's not too late to join! I just weighed myself this morning after slacking for a few months and was really upset to see that I've gained everything back :( This sounds like the perfect challenge for me. I'm going to shoot for 7 pounds though, because I'm moving from Michigan to NM mid-August and I know that will be…
  • I always have terrible cravings. Go ahead and have something chocolaty if it's what you really want. Just grab something a little healthier. I buy a dark chocolate bar from godiva or ghiradelli and just eat a square or two with a cup of tea. It satisfies my craving and fits into my day :)
  • Just found this recipe and it's my new favorite way to eat avocado: slice it and place on top of toast, drizzle a tiny bit of EVOO, a sprinkle of hot sauce, and add salt and pepper. It's so good! Speaking of toast, it's also super tasty when you mash the avocado and dice tomatoes and a few onions to go on top :)