Yivs_87 Member


  • @atevy , you look amazing! Ignore your mama and keep on rocking!
  • Today I took progress pics for the first time. Not sure just how much is visible, but between those two photos there is an almost 5kg difference and over a 33cm overall loss (neck, shoulders, arms, chest, waist, stomach, butt, thighs, knee - roughly between 2-5 cm loss at all measurement points).
  • Three years ago I had an ACL surgery on my left knee. When I restarted losing my weight in late March the differences between left thigh&right thight and left knee&right knee were over 1.5cm. After a month of losing weight and sporadic weight training, right now they are only 0.5cm different!
  • Weigh yourself. You need to know how much you weigh or otherwise you won't be able to know how much you need to eat in order to lose weight. After that, take a deep breath and take some time to read the topics linked in those two threads:…
  • Until recently stress eating was my main way of eating. It's hard to start unlearning it. It's hard to start learning new ways of handling your stress. Writing, journaling and reading have helped me a lot with de-stressing. So has working out over the past month.
  • It took me 10 years to regain the weight that I had lost. It was creeping up slowly, maybe a kg or so every six months. A single kilo is not much. But why I let myself regain it? A few reasons. When I lost it, I lost it through a fab diet (Ducan) that went on for nearly a year. I hated every single day of it. And when I…
  • So I was drying my hair and I had flipped it upside down, bent over to form my curls and I noticed that there is starting to be a tiny tiny gap between my upper thighs. A couple of months ago it was a tight shut xD
  • Mine is open, but most of my foods are personally added ones of local brands. :) And I think my menu is relatively boring to the average person ^^;
  • Yeah, I saw that... :D 2 min after my post - POP another thread... Well, at least I tried.
  • Being 1kg away from your goal weight might be explaining why you are not losing anymore. How much do you eat? Do you measure everything? Do you workout? Do you drink enough water? I think that maybe you should start looking into maintenance and stop eating at a deficit. A fluctuation of +/- 1-2kgs is more than normal even…
  • I'd recommend switching to another method of logging - instead of using the MFP one, where you have to log your burn and then eat back some/part/all of the calories, maybe consider to using the TDEE method. It's much easier when the burn is a more complex thing like yours. You calculate your TDEE based on your activity -…
  • - Are you on a diet? - Yes. - What's your diet? - I'm just eating better, counting calories and working out. - Oh, why don't you try the -insert fad diet name-? - Because I'd prefer to be able to eat everything. Just better controlled. After all, I have to learn how to eat in a healthy manner so that I'd be able to…
  • You want help. And you need help, but the people in the forums are not able to provide you with the help you need. Everyone's repeating one and the same thing - discuss MFP with your therapist. Do they even approve of you being here? (It's a rhetorical question, no need to answer) Maybe show them this thread and discuss it…
  • Thanks! ^__^
  • Just keep in mind that while you're breastfeeding, the most important thing is to remain healthy. And you're not far from your goal, and not far from having your son moving onto solids. So be patient and don't worry - the weight will come off. If not "tomorrow" then relatively soon - just wait for him to start walking xD
  • Having to listen to a "lecture" from a colleague during lunch about how I won't lose weight unless I stop drinking Coke Zero. It's Coke Zero. 1 calorie per can. It might not be the healthiest thing out there, but it won't stop me from losing weight and it won't make me gain weight as it has 1 calorie in it. But when I…
  • Not very mini, but... Today I reached overweight category, next goal is to reach normal weight category. 15Kgs away. I can totally do that.
  • Considering that it's still most probably your pregnancy weight and skin still haven't recovered, maybe 27-28%? How much time has it been since the delivery of the lil one? I'm quite sure somewhere I read that while breastfeeding you should intake 500 additional calories (but I'm not 100% sure). If you are sedentary (no…
  • The funny thing is that at some point when you lose the weight you are not able to see yourself as a slim/lean/athletic person. You still keep the perception of you being so huge. At least it was like this for me several years ago. I lost the weight, didn't like how I looked or I was assuming I was still too fat and as I…
  • Being so close to your goal and still breastfeeding, I believe that the remaining weight loss would be much slower. I'm not actually sure if 1630 isn't too little for breastfeeding. 37% of fat looks quite a lot for your stats, I'd simply ignore the home scale (which are way way wayyyy inaccurate). Look at the below picture…
  • It looks like your TDEE is at 2300 for lightly active by your description, so why are you cutting 1100 calories per day? It's very aggressive and could be counter productive. I'd recommend checking out this thread https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10569458/why-eating-too-little-calories-is-a-bad-idea/p1 If…
  • I am overweight! Goodbye forever, obesity!
  • I've already suggested the thread to be stickied :)
  • I've heard about the Set-point theory. Back when I was searching for an explanation (but in reality, it was an excuse) about why I couldn't push below 72kg, no matter "how hard I was trying". And that theory was perfect for my needs at the time. Looking back at it and knowing what I did and how I did it, now I know that…
  • https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10503681/exercise-calories-do-i-eat-these-a-video-explanation/p1 :) I'd honestly recommend reading carefully all topics here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10300331/most-helpful-posts-getting-started-must-reads#latest
    in 1200 Cals Comment by Yivs_87 April 2019
  • Thank you! A couple of realizations that hit me today, looking at my stats (again yay for math!). 1. I'm literally a few grams away from stepping from Obese class I into the Overweight category! 2. So far I've lost 25% of the kgs I'd like to lose. Definitely put a smile on my face.
  • Check this thread: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1399829/step-by-step-guide-to-losing-weight-with-myfitnesspal
    in 1200 Cals Comment by Yivs_87 April 2019
  • True. And that's why it's important to use one and the same scale, in one and same spot, in one and the same conditions (clothes, bathroom, etc). So that at least you limit the fluctuation of the resolution and you are able to track your weight loss in a more stable pattern. @jas82007, if you want to make sure that the…
  • Hm, then maybe ignore it altogether and instead use a higher activity level based on your steps alone. Or use TDEE method instead of MFP method (I find TDEE much easier as it takes away all the "do I log this activity or not" questions). As for the tracker... If it's saying 1770 kcals in 79 minutes I'd be very skeptical to…
  • Note to self: take full body before pictures.