

  • I am also from the u.k but am aware that in America the food is subsidized meaning alot cheaper so restaurants can afford to put on a lavish buffet and still make money from it. We should feel for our American friends who are trying to lose weight thay have a lot of temptation in there way.
  • Thanks and well done
  • If you are from America you will find europe less fast food inclined except for the big citys. Most of europe love olive oil so thats a plus and tapas are a great way to control portions. The down side is bread we eat alot of bread and pastries. You will enjoy it and try new foods avoid things you have at home. ciao Donna
  • Any chance of gettiing to know where you got your jeans im in a jean crisis, i carry my weight on bum and thighs and really struggle to find a good pair of bootcut not so frumpy and don't stretch in the wash . Also from the u.k size 14-16 cheers Donna
  • I feel for you my friend, i had a similar incident where i was weighing myself on uneven ground moved scales to the bathroom and what a disaster felt cheated. The thing to do is get back on the horse and start over new with the new scales as motivation. Take a look at your diet maybe it had a few holes in it also and take…
  • Hi Michaela, take a look at what is making you snack/confort eat, you might be due you Period. The worst thing to do is beat yourself up about it. Make tomorrow a new day, add some healthy snacks to your fridge and go out have a fun day, distract yourself from snacking. I like to go shopping or even a walk in the park with…