ceeeevs Member


  • Hi! I'm a mom to an 21mo old and an almost 6 week old. I'm currently breastfeeding, doing pilates 4-5xweek and eat 1500-1800 cals/day I've got 10lbs to go and the scale/measurements haven't budged on this regimen. For me it's the breastfeeding thats keeping the weight on but oh well, priorities (sigh).
  • Hey! Mom of 2, youngest is 2 weeks...I feel you both me and my husband have nutty jobs with hours that don't overlap so we always joke about being single parents...its tough especially with a history of emotional eating but hang in there and focus on on that beautiful baby boy it gets easier I promise
  • Hi! I'm also over 30 and mom of two (youngest is 2 weeks old) I was also super active before baby number two. I've got 12 lbs left to go I've been squeezing in " activity" lol while baby naps and have with some changes in diet have really been able to boosy my energy, either way I'd love having people to share the journey…