Lovetobeslimmer2 Member


  • I was quietly going about my own tracking and weight loss efforts (just started another go-round and try) and I think I stumbled into a group of people's discussions that are showing me that it's no different on a weight loss site where people are trying to lose weight, get fit and feel better about and within themselves…
  • [/quote] Because the fat acceptance movement is a pretty divisive topic, mostly due to the extremists in the group who want obesity to not only be accepted, but normalized and encouraged.[/quote] Really? You think it's that simple and all boils down to that simple a statement or thought? Do you really think that the…
  • You know what people are finding "delusional" is that being a certain size or weight range is the Holy Grail to perfect health. I don't disagree that being overweight puts people at more risk for certain health issues than thin people but, I know plenty of thin people who have always been thin/slim who have more health…
  • I'm so sorry but, I'm chuckling here because I know quite a few people in the U.K. who aren't exactly eating healthfully. The mashed potatoes, gravies, chips, etc., booze and whatever, consumed over there with pot pies are not really "health food fare", are they? So, how is it that you can say that fat acceptance is a…
  • I'm not disagreeing that being severely overweight is "not healthy" by any means nor, are people necessarily able to "love themselves" as an overweight person. Society won't let them. Deep down inside, everyone knows that in spite of what they say, they're not happy with being overweight either. No one truly is. That being…
  • Is it her "health" that you're concerned with or, is it her above average size and looks? Be honest. What if she were to have perfect blood pressure, perfect cholesterol, perfect blood glucose, fit and able to do things even some thinner people can't do? Would you be saying the same things? Just curious as to how people…
  • Dija92, I'm going to be a bit contentious in what I'm going to say and I hope people don't leap upon me for having said it. No, of course, we all know that being overweight by 100 lbs or even 50 isn't considered to be "healthy" by today's standards, studies etc. but, let me say that there are quite a few "skinny" people…