Jillie453 Member


  • The first two weeks are really the hardest. I was very hungry and tired for about 10-12 days and then it seemed to pass (a little). Some days are just harder than others. have you tried "grazing"? I bring food to work and I'll have something around 10:30 (a piece of sting cheese), then lunch around 11;45....and a snack…
  • So how has been going the past few days? I started Sunday and now it's Wednesday - so early but so far so good. I have not exercised - but food wise I seem to be under some control. I need to lose 30 myself - ideally 35 but will be happy at 30.
  • Hi - I just joined up tonight. I have lost and gained the same 30 pounds three times now and yet again find myself back up. The yo you thing is very unhealthy and I've watched the toll it has taken on my body each time. I am determined that this must be my last time as I'm getting older and it may be more difficult to take…
  • Hi Connie - I feel the same way as you do, can't believe I'm back up to my high weight - so please feel free to add me as well. I've thrown out all of my fat pants, had to buy new ones and a few stretchy skirts. NOT HAPPY...but happy that I've finally decided to start again.