Haha I hadn't seen that, that's awesome! I'm suprised by the wattage though, maybe they are hamming it up, but 700w for a minute shouldn't be that crazy. I've done that, and I'm not a track cyclist. I think most of those guys doing the kilo are looking at 800w-1100w for 1', which is absolutely stupid. Generally working…
Part of that is that hills are generally more competitive in my opinion. They are also generally less subjected to wind effects, so it's easier to get good times on flat/downhill segments with the right wind if you ride in an area alot. Beyond that, as you seem aware, hills are about pwr/weight. If you're friend is 2/3…
When you say poor hill climber, what context do you mean that in. Poor as compared to the people you normally ride with (i.e. you keep up or are stronger on the flats and then get dropped on hills?) or is there some other reason you think you are poor. Hills are simply a matter of watts/kg, so the main thing you do to get…
HR will generally by marginally lower when seated than when standing, for exactly the reason you mentioned. Also, as you mentioned in a later post, the issue, especially when coming to cycling from some other aerobic sport, is developing specific oxygen delivery ability. You can have a powerful aerobic system, but if you…
Interesting. I think you should be able to max your HR pretty quick. Day to day variance can happen, but you should still get close. Here's a 3' of mine: HR basically pegged at low 180s by the time I was done. Then below is me doing the same thing, but for 1' max, Same idea, HR pretty much pegged at low 180s which is near…
That's the right lyrics, yep. :)
Of the butterfly *bonus pts if you get the song lyrics reference
Hmm, sleep with. Maybe the motivation will osmose into me. I bet motivational poster is a guy too haha :lol:
Afraid not. Handsome, but wrong gender for my interest in that sort of mischief.
All about dem motivational posters. Sign me up
Great slayer eyes are incredible. That and a nice lean body a tight butt. Much more a lean and firm guy than a voluptuous one if I'm being completely open.
Good, natural smile? Or still seems snarky/creepy?
Kinda. Calories burnt are going to be a product of your average power (can think of this as pace for running) during the workout. In other words, if you do a running workout where you alternate 200m at 6:00 mile pace with 200m at 10:00 mile pace, and do that for 4 miles, you'll burn the same calories as you would if you…
For six months I'm happy where I'm at (except for skwaat, because I didn't skwaat, cause cycling) 225lbs Skwaat 225lbs Bench, paused 350lbs deadlift BW: 73kg/160lbs Hoping by 12 months I can get close to 315/250/405. Deadlift might be a stretch, squat if I decide to work on it is basically untrained.
An intensity above anaerobic capacity? Perhaps you're using anaerobic capacity the same way in a similar or identical matter to anaerobic threshold. I.e. maximum aerobic steady point. At easy exercise, aerobic glycolysis/kreb's can fuel all neccessary energy. It can do so up until a point that is commonly called by many…
Not sure how much I agree with you here. Most HIIT isn't just 20 to 30 seconds. It's 20-30s with a very short rest, repeated many times. After even a few repeats, you are predominately using aerobic pathways; and have even gone past the point of relying primarily on anaerobic glycolysis. CrP system, once depleted, takes at…
Now that I'm getting more into lifting, I sort of have this goal of totaling 1200 and running a sub 5 mile on the same day.
Deadlift. Skwaat (especially with a wider stance and low bar)
You can definitely hit obese if you max out your muscle. Clinically it starts at 30 BMI I believe, which for a guy at 5'9" is like 200lbs. Max muscle potential at like a bodybuilding competition level of lean is like 170-190lbs or so, if you throw another 8-10% BF on that to bring it up into the 12-15% range then you're…
Story of my life. No kidding.
Definitely HIIT assuming you're hitting it with some gusto. If the 20s don't get REALLY painful by the end, maybe not hard enough to be HIIT.
Does my bike count? Either way, it can also be done running; but some of the ones I like are: 1) 3x10 min @ 90% of threshold, w/2' recovery in between each. Workout progresses to 3x60' @ 90% of threshold w/2' recovery between each. One of the best aerobic and endurance building workouts I've done. 2) 3x7' @ 105%-110% of…
Yes...and no. I've read that figure in several studies. I don't have the links off the top of my head, though if I have time later today I'll see if I can bring them up again. Have also read some pretty interesting stuff that suggests when going downhill the calories expended are very similar (within 10% iirc) of what one…
The bolded part is spot on in my opinion. The only caveat is that some exercises will either cause muscular fatigue before HR is driven high enough, or flat out won't be challenging enough. In my case I'm pretty sure I could never do russian twists or sit ups for abs and have them drive heart rate up towards maximum. Just…
This is a good point. If you do this too much you probably burn less than walking on flat. Sure you spend some calories holding yourself off the mill, but if you take most of the weight off there is almost no other work. Don't know why people do that. Just walk normal with your hands swinging at your sides like you would…
10% incline is roughly going to double your flat walking calories. So, more or less the equivalent of 8 miles walked on level ground.