lauriespitzig Member


  • I have 3 kids - 4, 2 and 4 months. Needless to say free time is nonexistent. Stay positive, stay realistic and just do your best. You had to learn a new lifestyle when you became a mom ... now you have to learn another one to be a fit mom!! I am also trying to learn! Lol its a battle!
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to write all that!!! That's awesome! 40lbs is a lot!!! Good for you!! I appreciate everything you have shared! It will surely be trial and error....
  • We have no gyms that have daycare! I would surely utilize that!!... I agree! I like that quote! Thanks!
  • Thanks all for your comments and suggestions!!!.... great to have feedback!!
  • That's soooo much for your body to take on. Don't be too disgusted with that body because it gave you 2 beautiful kids and didn't let cancer win!!!.... stupid strep on top.... lol
  • It's a constant battle. I sure feel like there are more things helping me to gain than to lose!...the changes your body goes through during pregnancy are crazy let alone 3x! .... I have no clue when to exercise or even what to do. I HATE working out lol