Here we go ... again

I feel like I am starting this weight loss journey for the millionth time!!! Thanks to having 3 kids in 4 years my body has been completely racked. It's been up and down and all around. We are thinking we are done having kids so this is now the time for me. To focus on my health and my body FOR me and FOR them. Time to exercise is pretty much non existent and eating habits are hard with 3 kids under 4 and a very picky, bad habit eating husband! .... so it's a lot of feelings of going it alone. Nevertheless I need to take control. 26lbs to my goal weight and more happiness and health each step of the way!!


  • btunny1
    btunny1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat! 3 kids (5, 3, and 1) and a junk food loving husband. It's hard for me to find time to workout around the kids and it's hard to stay on track with my diet when I'm surrounded by junk food! I am disgusted with the way I look though and NEED to make some changes so here I am :blush:
  • lauriespitzig
    lauriespitzig Posts: 8 Member
    It's a constant battle. I sure feel like there are more things helping me to gain than to lose!...the changes your body goes through during pregnancy are crazy let alone 3x! .... I have no clue when to exercise or even what to do. I HATE working out lol
  • jettarose69
    jettarose69 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat of I hate working out and I'm disgusted by my belly after having my 2 kids who are only 14 months apart, a year after having my daughter I found a lump in my breast so I got the lumps taken out and got a boob job, the cells were cancerous and they had to take so much out that I had no skin on my breast till just barely.... And it's still paper thin and my Dr said to be careful with upper body exercises. I've gained 40 pounds after my surgery, I'm almost to what I weigh when I was 9 months prego! So as soon as I get better from strep throat I'm all in for a new hot body!
  • lauriespitzig
    lauriespitzig Posts: 8 Member
    That's soooo much for your body to take on. Don't be too disgusted with that body because it gave you 2 beautiful kids and didn't let cancer win!!!.... stupid strep on top.... lol