PapillonNoire Member


  • From a health perspective, yes, I wish my husband would lose weight and keep it off. He loses & regains the same 40ish pounds over and over. He goes on an extreme diet & exercise plan where he loses weight quick and feels good; then eventually gets tired and bored, goes back to eating the same way as before, stops…
  • No. It was a helpful tool while I was losing, but I developed good enough habits that I don't find counting and tracking necessary anymore. I weigh myself regularly so if I do go above my maintenance range, I can correct it quickly before it gets out of hand. I also tend to stay pretty active- if I was sedentary I would…
  • The analogy of a financial budget for calories worked really well for me. Just like I shouldn't be spending more than I earn, I shouldn't be consuming more calories than I burn off. And if I want to splurge for a high calorie item, I need to find a way to "save" for it by either eating less elsewhere, moving more, or a…
  • I feel like it's really difficult to get an accurate reading of body fat percentage. I just go by what I see in the mirror personally. Anywhere between 21 and 24% is considered fit for women I think.
  • I also have a desk job. I make a conscious effort to move as much as possible. I'll shadow box in my cubicle, or stand and pace while I'm on the phone. I walk on my lunch break. I'll fetch files one by one rather than getting several in one trip. It's made a big difference in my TDEE.
  • Ultimately, it does boil down to personal accountability. You alone are responsible for your food choices, and it's not realistic to think you'll never run into temptation. But, with that being said, my husband is currently trying to lose weight and improve his health. I want to be supportive of that and do what little I…
  • I did condition myself to get more movement in throughout the day, though it's a bit more than fidgeting. I shadow box and do little stretches/movements in my cubicle. I park a mile from my office. I pace or jog in place while I watch TV. Rather than taking one trip down the hallway at work to get a drink, a snack, and use…
  • If that is your goal, I suggest looking over this thread:
  • For me, it wouldn't have been helpful. I was very aware of the fact that I had put on weight. Pointing it out would have upset me, but I doubt it would have motivated me. It seems like that's a highly individual thing; for some it's the kick in the pants they need. But I had to get to a mental place where I was ready to…
  • I have not heard that you should avoid it on a low carb diet, but I'll admit that I don't have experience with going low carb. I personally don't like the taste of stevia (or any of the low cal sweeteners). I would rather have the real deal or nothing at all. But my husband swapped out regular sugar for stevia and likes it…
  • I found it helpful to take the time and determine what treats are actually worth the calories and make sure I made room in my calorie budget to incorporate them. For me, things like donuts, soda, and most fast food are kinda meh and I discovered I was perfectly content not having them. But ice cream and homemade cookies? I…
  • It took me a year and a half. I did it slowly and took lots of maintenance breaks. I think some people can find it discouraging when losing at such a slow rate, but I wasn't in any rush and I've managed to keep it off for the last 5 years.