WordWhisperer Member


  • I'm on 1440. I started thinking this would work out to 350 calories for each of three meals plus a snack. Yeah, not so much. As most say, breakfast and lunch are on my own and predictable, whereas dinner is a family meal and I have to eat what others who are not counting calories eat... And also what they are willing to…
  • As someone who has never finished in any position but dead last, I tell myself this makes my eventual success story much more inspiring. :) I would absolutely positively without a doubt walk the exact route first. Be prepared for it to be a bit harder than you expect; I tend to up my pace when I am walking with others at…
  • I have actually been checking my reflection in mirrors I don't own, to see if the surprise hourglass figure I saw in my own mirror one day was some kind of a glitch. It's like all the mirrors have been replaced with those wavy funhouse kinds. Confusing, endlessly confusing.
  • My new bike arrived Thursday and I fell in love with cycling on the very first ride. I find that learning to ride a bike is not, in fact, like learning to ride a bike. :) I wobble a lot and goodness help me if I take my eyes off the spot right in front of me or lift just one hand to get my hair out of my face! I saw…
  • You look happy and proud! It's mini goals for me too. I never look more than five pounds away from where I am. I find these frequent successes keep me motivated much more than a single far off goal does. Great job!
  • Micro goals! Seriously. My goals revolve sounds every five pounds, and also every time the tens digit on the scale changes. This means I'm almost always two or three pounds from my next goal, and that is hugely, hugely motivating to me when I am trying to stare down a cinnamon roll. "But I could hit my goal tomorrow if I…
  • I'm not the only one! I've been telling people my hips are not where I left them, and noticing that I can feel my ribs when my arms hang at my side when I walk. Oh, and as someone else said, I'm always terrified I won't fit into a chair that isn't even a tight squeeze anymore. When did these things happen??
  • I don't even have an end goal and I don't want one. I just want to reach my next micro-goal, in2 pounds (which will make 55 lost). And the one after that is only 7 pounds below that (because the tens digit on the scale will decrease). After that, another 3.3 will take me to 60 lost in six months, and so on. These micro…
  • I am always the last to finish. I tell myself it's going to make for a much more dramatic story someday. Not going to lie, it sucks finishing after they've already taken the finish line down, but it is better than not finishing. For comparison, my dead last finishes have been anything from 68 minutes to 99 minutes (my…
  • I kind of want to kiss your feet for this. Thank you. I'd been thinking of it as lugging around an extra six gallons of milk every minute of my life, just so I could feel some sense of accomplishment. I've lost 52 pounds since December 29, @myfightforfitness, and I honestly can't see it either. I can kind of feel it…
  • I suggest you not do anything at all that feels like "cutting out" or "eliminating" at the very beginning. The time will come when you have experienced some little victories that motivate you to view cutting out / eliminating as a good thing, but that time is not right now. Right now, these things are your comfort and…
  • What worked for me (50 lb in 5 months as of today) is this: math. :) I know that sounds silly but it's true. Once I finally understood the math, it has honestly been fairly easy. Let's say your body burns 2000 calories a day just in the process of keeping itself alive (and I'm assuming you know where to find BMR formulas…
  • Your transformation is incredible, and inspiring. Thank you for showing me what is possible!
  • Don't rule out the Jawbone Up3. I get more detailed sleep info than the Fitbit friends I have compared with, as my sleep is broken into three categories, not two. I forget what Fitbit calls them, but for Jawbone, I get to see light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. This is important for me because I feel physically better…
  • I'm currently in physical therapy for a recurrence of PF. It isn't resolved, but the podiatrist and physical therapist have this list on repeat: -Get off it til it heals. -Never go barefoot again. -Prescribed stretches are not optional. Not today and not when you feel better. -Prescribed stretched are not optional.…
  • I could swear I wrote this post. On a sunny day, I feel I don't deserve a place on the crowded walking trail (even though I'm the only person who still shows up on the rainy, snowy, windy, cold days), and you can forget about ever being worthy of a gym. All of which makes this journey toward health even more challenging…
  • Disclaimer: I'm not "successful" yet, but I am on my way to it. No, it didn't happen to me one day, not at all... except that it did. :) As John Green writes about love, it happened for me "slowly and then all at once". And it wasn't a list of actions (wake up, eat less, work out, don't stop) that happened for me... it was…
  • I don't intend for this to come out as funny as it will, but I don't actually know what kind of body type I have. Is round a body type? :) Truly, I've never known much of anything about my body, so this is all new. Can you give me some examples of body types? Is this maybe like being pear-shaped or apple-shaped? Because if…
  • To keep things easy for me to manage in a very busy schedule, I eat a lot of the same thing every single day. I intend to vary that with time, but I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible for now. I have oatmeal in the morning, sometimes with walnuts or almonds in it, and lunch lately has been bagged salad with…
  • I'm afraid it's probably down to the simple fact that when you have a million to lose, you lose those early ones faster. That's not to diminish the work I've done - I added a fitness tracker for step counting first, then slow lunchtime walks (I'm talking 30 minutes per mile slow), then short walks in the evening too (about…
  • My situation isn't as intense as yours, but what I can easily relate to is finally reaching the point where you're doing this for you. I felt it click this time - I knew it right away, could feel that this was different - and it's made all the difference. I know it might sound crazy, but if you have that mindset this time,…
  • Decenber 29, with 25 pounds for me, with a somewhat unknown goal but it's at *least* 104 more. :)
  • Nine weeks, 25 pounds... we are practically twins! :)
  • I have found value in "Do Yoga With Me".
  • Then I would like to thank my hand motions from the bottom of my inactive little heart for the scale registering 25 pounds lower this morning than it did nine weeks ago. Or maybe the scale is just registering my wishes and not actual weight loss. That's probably it.
  • My husband and I work in the same office. We have a lottery for the parking spaces closest to the door. He told me he was going to buy a bunch of extra tickets for me since I'm the last one in the office every day, and I'm currently struggling with plantar fasciitis. I begged him not to. I relish that spot farthest from…
  • My Fitbit friends frequently compliment the data I get and the way Smart Coach uses it; I think this confirms the Jawbone is underrated. However, I'm the only one who doesn't have the Fitbit, so it's pretty lonely! Ultimately I decided I preferred the Jawbone data and app, but almost daily I wish I could share it with my…
  • Absolutely go out with your friends. Make choices as wisely as you can, perhaps ask for half of your meal to go (even if you aren't going to eat it... just to control your portion), and don't drink a ton of calories while you are out (she said without intending to practice it). If you think about it, this is the…
  • Glory be, I have found my people!
  • Not epically fit, but epically more fit than before.