LowCarbInScotland Member


  • If you really want to avoid any of the chemicals that could end up in your bacon, just buy a slab of pork belly and cut it into slices and pan fry. It's definitely not the same experience as bacon, but you still get to enjoy a nice fatty piece of meat... it's like a juicier, crispier pork chop. It's the perfect…
  • I make cold breakfast bowls the night before for mornings I have to get up early - mashed or finely diced hard boiled egg, diced avocado, chopped up sausage (usually leftover from dinner), grated cheese, spring onion, mayo and sriracha.
  • I find it really helpful to have shared my diet with my colleagues, it provides me with massive accountability. I've been so adamant that I won't touch carbs, no way, no how, that if I were to break down and eat carbs in front of them now, I would feel soooo ashamed. And they're all so incredibly supportive and encouraging…
  • I travel heavily for work too, my diet is pretty boring on those days though to be honest. I tend to grab the protein pot from the airport, with smoked salmon and a hard boiled egg, I know, not your favourite lol. Breakfast in the hotel is always easy because they have a huge buffet spread and there are lots of low/no carb…
  • lol I live out in the country, where there are no doubt remnants of buildings from the Middle Ages nearby and I can get tubs of fresh mixed veg that has been "riced", spiralized squash, cauliflower couscous and more from the store in the tiny village 10 miles away or delivered fresh to my door. Guess things aren't really…
  • Not sure where you shop or what country you're in, but in the U.K., most of the major grocery chains have fresh pre-cut / couscous'd / riced / spiralized veggies. I don't have a freezer, so I haven't looked for frozen... but that at least cuts down in the prep time :)
  • Absolutely @RalfLott this is why it's important to test before just eating because you think you need to correct your blood sugar.
  • I really struggle with logging my pork belly too. The packaging, at least where I buy it, generally has the calorie and macro info for the raw meat, but that's considerably different from the end result when a lot of fat has rendered off. Even if you jump through the hoops of weighing and subtracting the fat left in your…
  • Lol my husband used to own a Dairy Queen. It's a great place to go for ice cream (if you're a high carber) but it's not a good place to go for non dessert food. That's simply not their specialty and not what the brand is good at.
  • lol I didn't click on the link, but the title says it all. That's exactly why I use the pour over method to make my coffee. My entire coffee maker (one little ceramic dripper) gets washed after every brew. Yes, I'm a bit of a germaphobe... after a lifetime of digestive problems, I try to minimise the amount of bad bacteria…
  • I ate low carb (100g /day) for years (except for all those days in between my food addiction got in the way) and I found all the Paleo recipes fit well with my food philosophy. I love to cook, as a diabetic I tried to make sure the carbs I ate were better quality carbohydrates (not realising at the time how low I could…
  • I used to have a loose leaf tea company and I custom blended flavoured teas. The natural and artificial flavourings used by the majority companies making blended flavoured teas and herbal concoctions do not have any added sugar. In fact I first heard about the ketogenic diet when I sold tea because I had a group of parents…
  • I'm a T2 diabetic who took over 300 units of insulin a day. Within the first month of eating VLC, I got down to just 20 units per day and now I take none (unless I get sick, overly stressed or have a major diet failure and eat carbs). In the first six months after I started eating a VLC diet, it would take me up to two…
  • That's exactly why I ate low fat for years! I could eat a whole lot of gummy bears if I didn't put butter on my toast. The sad thing is, at 17, you can watch the weight drop off eating shite food just by keeping the calories down, but you're not yet wise to how completely unsustainable that lifestyle is. If only I could go…
  • Yeah part of me wants to just toss my insulin pens so that I don't have that crutch anymore, but there are also times when i need to go back to it because stress or a cold virus pushes up my BG and those are things I can't control as easily.
  • I grab a bag of salad greens, some Caesar dressing and some pre-cooked meat and toss it all in a bowl, I always have a block of Parmesan in the fridge to grate on top.
  • In my first 6 months of eating VLC a single carb binge would affect my BG for up to 2 weeks and I would follow a binge with under 5 g/day until I was back to normal. Now a carb binge takes 3-5 days to get back to normal, depending on how bad it was. I stopped taking insulin a while back, so if I eat excessive carbs, I have…
  • I throw curry powder into practically everything :smile: Chinese five spice is really tasty too and makes for good marinades and sauces, but like any spice blend, if you're not making it yourself, check the ingredient list as some brands sneak random stuff in there, including sugar. I'm a big fan of the chilli, ginger,…
  • Cheating on my diet has never worked for me in any capacity. I've never intentionally planned cheat days, but when I used to eat low carb (100g) and low fat,I frequently ate off plan on the weekends. I consistently lost 2 lbs during the week and gained 2 lbs on the weekend. Needless to say, my weight loss progress was at a…
  • Lately I've tried to keep it at about 70 grams. When I was hiking every day in the Summer and early Autumn, I was fine at 90-100 grams, but now that it's cold and dark out at night and I'm not exercising as much, I've really had to drop my protein. I'd like to get it down a bit lower still as my BG has been a bit higher…
  • I try to keep my protein relatively low too as my body happily converts it to glucose. Like you, I'm T2 diabetic and successfully off insulin, but overeating protein definitely pushes up my BG,albeit not as much as carbs of course, but when you've fine tuned your diet this much, you notice the BG changes really quickly if…
  • This was the reason I quit eating VLC the second time. It took me 18 months and 3 separate tries before this woe finally stuck for me. After my third foray into eating VLC i finally toughed it out and after 4 months my cycle finally evened out. If you think this woe is right for you, hang in there, it should normalise…
  • My aversion to processed meats came long before my very low carb diet. I don't like to eat processed meats because I'd prefer not to eat meat that contains unnecessary added ingredients or food that has spent too much time in a factory. But I'm not overly obsessive about it and I don't push my personal food preferences on…
  • Hi @kgailvincent I've forayed into processed meats (bacon, salami and ham) over the last six months as they've become my anti-carb crutch and I'll never give up cream in my coffee, but it's my goal to eat as clean as time allows me. Bottle salad dressing is the other thing that sneaks into my mouth when I'm not in the mood…
  • Hi @LinCharpentier Being sick will raise most diabetics' blood sugar. It puts added stress in the body, which is never a good thing for a diabetic. I've been able to stop taking insulin by eating a very low carb diet, but I still keep a few insulin pens around in case I get sick. Even if I eat nothing but broth when I'm…
  • As noted above, total carbs include sugar and in the US they also include fiber (fiber is excluded from total carbs in the UK). As a diabetic, I find it helpful to assess my total carb count and the total sugar count as sugar will affect my BG much faster and with a much greater impact than other types of carbohydrates.…
  • I love your resolutions @Bonny132 I'm right in line with you there with 2017 being the year I learn to loosen up and have fun and make friends and get back out and enjoy life, especially now that I've lost nearly 100 lbs and have way more energy. My husband and I turned 40 this summer and we feel younger now than we did 5…
  • Burgers (no bun of course) cornichons & sauerkraut, it's pretty much my go-to dinner now, so nothing special really. Was tempted to go out to one of the bars I work with, but I know that if I drink, I'll fall completely off the wagon and I just fought hard to get back on. My hubby is reallly health focused too right now,…
  • Just wanted to add that general food satisfaction can be improved by adding fat too. Many of us who are overweight and struggle with our food relationship benefit from the yummy factor that the extra fat provides in addition to the fact that it helps quell hunger with a minimal insulin impact. Personally, adding fat helps…
  • It seems to go away faster for some than for others. It took 6 months before my bad breath went away, and I tried literally everything to get rid of it, including significantly dropping my protein. But 6 months later, it's been fine ever since. Guess we're all just different :wink: