LowCarbInScotland Member


  • I moved to Scotland from a fully legal weed state and can say with certainty that it did nothing to help my blood sugar because all it ever did was lower my resolve to eat healthy. I never really got the munchies, that's just my constant state of existence, I just lost all willpower to resist.
  • Boiled eggs & avocado are my faves.
  • The only big pickles I've seen in the U.K. are in the Polish imports section, I buy pickled gherkins or cornichons (tiny cukes) they have very minimal sugar). I like them better anyway, they're super crispy versus soggy American style pickles.
  • Just a note that fake crab tends to be pretty carby if you're on the lower end of the low-carb spectrum, so you're better off using the real thing. There's added sugar in the flavouring they add to the pollock. I usually make my at-home hand rolls with smoked salmon too, it's hard to find sushi grade fish in Scotland…
  • Lots of sushi places (at least on the US West coast) offer low carb options now with cucumber holding it all together. But you can also ask for a hand roll instead and ask them to skip the rice, it's a little easier to do than a normal roll sans rice. I recommend sitting at the bar so you can talk to the sushi chef, then…
  • In order for you to set the parameters for your diet and determine what your own dietary rules are, you need to decide what your nutritional goals are and then you can determine if fruit fits into your programme. As you're here in this group,I'm guessing you're eating a low carb diet. The fruits lowest in carbs are…
  • Are you suggesting I'd have to give something up permanently and forever?? :disappointed: In the short term there's not much I couldn't live without, but I'd be hard pushed to permanently give up all forms of dairy, I did six months vegetarian once, much of it raw and vegan, but not 100% and cheese was the one thing that…
  • Best to make it at home yourself, there's sugar hidden everywhere in Westernised Chinese food. If you want that super soft tender Chinese food texture, you can achieve that by slicing your chicken or beef, coating it in baking soda, letting it sit for 15-30 mins, rinsing it all off, patting it dry and then pan frying it.
  • I used to hate sauerkraut and pickles, but now that my tastes have changed after eliminating sugar from my life, they're two of my favourite things!
  • I can safely say that if I took a bite, the food would definitely make its way down my throat and into my belly, promptly followed by many more nibbles, chews and swallows. A good sniff is about all I could sustain without falling prey to my carb addiction. But I'm pretty sure I look like a salivating weirdo when I'm…
  • I'm T2 and my doc empowered me to adjust my own insulin. I wasn't aware that other T2s prescribed insulin were not provided with the same type of support, not really sure how someone could take the same amount of bolus insulin every day. However, if they're just taking basal insulin, it would make more sense for that to be…
  • I look at the whole picture... total carbs, fiber, sugar. If my total carbs are a bit higher than normal one day, but my fiber is higher too, then I don't sweat it, but if I saw that my sugar was creeping up and that's why my total carbs were up a bit, I'd take a lot more notice.
  • I completely understand your desire to keep it private. Outside of medical staff I'm treated by, only my immediate family, best friend and one colleague know I'm diabetic, and the only reason I shared with the colleague was because her husband is diabetic and also takes insulin. One of the biggest motivators for me to eat…
  • Hang in there @2t9nty it takes time to get it under control, but you're clearly moving in the right direction. Stress, lack of sleep and illness (cold, flu) have a devastating affect on my BG. But in one year I went from an HBA1C of 6.3 which required 310 units of insulin a day to achieve to a 5.5 with no insulin, and I've…
  • They use potato starch in the UK to keep grated cheese from sticking together. I grate it myself for that reason, but I'd still take potato starch over the questionable cellulose they use in America. So gross! And yes, the anti-caking agent is reason enough to keep a stocked salt grinder in your kitchen and to avoid the…
  • You're better off assessing your food based on weight instead of cups, it's a lot more accurate as the amount of carrots per cup will vary based on the style of cut. And the USDA database is a good resource when you're doubting MFP. Here's the carrot data…
  • I saw a couple people post about chocolate coconut fat bombs, like some of them said, I wouldn't be able to refrain from eating the whole batch either, so I avoid making large batches of anything. But if you're looking for a sweet chocolate-coconut treat in a single serving portion, I thought I'd share a couple treats I've…
  • @Scochrane86 I lost 97 lbs over the last year and it definitely wasn't steady. I lost 50 lbs in the first 3 months and 47 lbs in the next 6 months, which actually included 2 months of no losses at all. The following 4 months I've been fighting to keep it off. I'm up 5 lbs right now, but am back on track with my diet. Carbs…
  • I'm in the no sweetener camp, as a diabetic I'm just better off learning to live without any extra sweetness in my life. But I did want to share that (a) it's surprising how much your tastes change when you cut sugar out, things you wouldn't have thought of as sweet suddenly taste very sweet (carrots for example) and (b)…
  • I used to wish I had my 20-year old metabolism back so that I could eat cake all day, now I'd give anything just to be able to eat some roast potatoes or make some parsnip soup without my blood glucose skyrocketing. Until then, cauliflower remains my best friend. I love me some (low carb) veggies!
  • And that's why I'm so not into labels, people get so wound up and defensive about them. I didn't eat dairy when I created this MFP account and I'm not worried about changing my username because this year I can't afford coconut cream in my coffee every day or because I went through a bacon and cheese binge or because I'm…
  • My diet is less paleo than it used to be since going very low carb just over a year ago, but I'm definitely an advocate of clean eating and I eliminated as much processed food as possible from my life about 10 years ago - fortunately I like to cook (I'm not obsessive about it, but in general you won't find any tinned,…
  • We're both fully committed to eating LCHF, my husband is obsessed now, so we're sticking with our food routine and are having a normal day. It'll be a chicken salad for dinner tomorrow because we love each other enough to stay on track with our diets :smiley:
  • Yes, the incessant blog posts drive me nuts too, from a functionality standpoint, they're just too heavily featured in the news feed sometimes. You might want to jump in on the beta testing so you can share feedback. I have to say though, this is an app for everyone, and whilst most of us here choose to avoid sugar, there…
  • Ditto to that! Berries and cream are my super special indulgence treat, i.e. for Christmas or birthday pudding. But then I eat this way because I'm diabetic, so I need to keep the carbs to a bare minimum for health reasons. But if you do choose to include fruit in your diet, I highly encourage you to eat it, not drink it.…
  • Same here, I seem to have this weird calorie wall. I'm 5'8" and even when I was 340 lbs, I could only lose when I was at 1400 calories; nearly 100 lbs less, the same remains true. As soon as I creep up to 1500-1800 my weight loss grinds to a halt. Albeit I could continue maintaining up to about 2,100 calories. And this has…
  • Weird, I had the premium version and never saw a single ad. My paid account just expired and i haven't renewed. The extra conveniences aren't worth it. I do get the ads now, but it's not that bad, not worth paying again.
  • Definitely roast it whole!! Lamb curry is my fav! I make it with lamb neck fillets once a week, it's delish! You can make a Greek salad topped with lamb, a non-curry stew or soup with low carb veg - rutabagas, eggplant, mushrooms, zucchini, cauliflower, kale (not necessarily all of these together). You could mix it up in a…
  • I think "Normal" is simply a myth to make us all question and doubt ourselves. I can firmly state that I've never felt anywhere near the realm of "normal" in any facet of my life. But to respond more appropriately to the OP... some weeks we lose, some weeks we gain, some weeks we maintain. I'm halfway through a 200lb…