LowCarbInScotland Member


  • Fill up on eggs and bacon at the hotel in the morning! Do your subway salad lunch and grab a steak for dinner, skip the chips.
  • Yeah all I found was a sad bag of lettuce that was just iceberg and a ton of radicchio, I prefer the nice blend of dark leafy greens, but they've all vanished.
  • I used to have that one too, was nervous about it as it looked so cheap, but it was sturdy as heck!
  • For today: Breakfast: Cup of coffee w/ 1 tbsp double cream, fried egg, 65 g ham, 25 g sauerkraut, 4 cornichons. Lunch: I had a business lunch in a restaurant and ordered the steak sandwich (6 oz thinly cut steak) with goat cheese and carmelized onions with no bread and no chips. Dinner: Salad greens with 100 g chicken &…
  • You could try some mashed cauliflower, it's a good low carb substitute for mashed potato, which was always my go-to pre-VLC when I had a tummy bug and was ready to move on from chicken broth and scrambled eggs.
  • When you eat a very low carb diet, it can be tough to maintain your electrolytes anyway, so if you enjoy salty butter in your coffee, why not? I drink my coffee with double cream, but I tried the whole buttered coffee thing once and all I had in the fridge was salted butter, tasted fine to me too, not that I plan on doing…
  • ... and now cabbage has been added to the rationing list. Hopefully there's plenty of sauerkraut and pickle inventory. I'm going to a stock up! Those are just about the only low carb veggie side dishes we have left now.
  • The hardest things to get used to when I moved back to the UK was the miniature refrigerators, tiny beds and the lack of clothing dryers and freezers. Some people have freezers, but they seem to be a bit of a luxury, most kitchens are just too small to even put one in, let alone a full size refrigerator. Fortunately the…
  • Well this isn't a recipe, but I'll share a tip... to get that super tender meat texture that Chinese food has, chop up your meat (chicken, beef, pork, lamb) then coat it in baking soda, let it sit for at least 15 mins and then rinse it off with water and dry it with a paper towel before you cook it. It'll change your…
  • Omg thank you @marthafox1 :smiley: that's literally the only grocery store I've never shopped at!!! Will have to find one this weekend!
  • Ugh! I'm devastated too! Tesco only just got cauliflower back online and I read today that it's on the shortage list too, again! Practically all the low carb veg took a hit and has vanished from the shelves. :disappointed: at least all of the affordable low carb veg, there's still asparagus, for now, but that's a treat in…
  • I make more vegetarian meals now as I'm trying to keep my protein down lower - I'm T2 diabetic and heavy protein meals send my BG up higher than I'd like. Cauliflower soup is my favourite lunch, it costs about £.50 serving ($0.65-ish). One head of cauli, one stock cube, one clove garlic, salt, pepper, 2 litres water, 100…
  • Ooh that's awesome!! M&S is always my go-to when I'm travelling (unless I'm rural). I grab a pot of hard boiled eggs or a pack of meat, a single serving of cheese and a bottle of water an I'm sorted. I love their spicy pepperoni and chilli salmon :)
  • I travel a lot for work too and always manage to find something to eat, even if some days I may eat a bit less than normal (which isn't a bad thing for me). I'm in the UK where they put low fat milk in their coffee, but I always ask the staff to go into the kitchen to get me some double cream, so that I can at least start…
  • Kale chips are heaven!!! I miss them so much. I can't find whole kale in the UK the way it's sold in America. I've only seen it chopped up (with the stems) in a bag, not in good size for chips. But rant aside, I wanted to share the secret to kale salad. You need to massage the dressing into the leaves and give it time to…
  • I like to start the day with a hearty breakfast scramble, but there's no reason why you can't ditch the eggs and add some more meat and veggies instead. This morning I had bacon lardons, asparagus, mushrooms, spring onions and a couple of cherry tomatoes in my scramble, topped with cheese. Would have still been good…
  • Yeah I had to give up my gummy vitamins when I went VLC lol! Swallowing my vitamins while isn't as much fun now.
  • It's available at both of my regular grocery stores - ASDA (owned by Walmart) and Tesco.
  • I have the same struggle. My overeating has nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with my failure to manage my stress and emotions in a much healthier way. In the ideal world I would go to the gym every night to manage my stress, but instead I choose to work 18 hours a day 7 days a week instead... my addiction to…
  • I have no frustrations about the "public perception" of the way I eat. I've never experienced any negative feedback from friends, family, medical professionals or restaurant staff. Though to be honest, I couldn't care less about what people think and I have zero interest in explaining myself to anyone. I don't spend time…
  • If he liked his baby food have you considered making a batch of puréed veggie "soup" and getting him to eat his veggies that way? I make a couple pots of puréed low carb veggie soups every week and have a cup as a side with my meat entree... I always joke that it looks like baby food! I didn't learn to love my veggies…
  • You might want to look for coconut "cream" instead of milk, its thicker, richer and 50% less carby than coconut milk. I enjoy a bit of variety in my diet and often switch between double cream and coconut cream in my coffee. And it makes for a great marinade base too!
  • I was always an evening snacker, though I've finally managed to break the habit. But in the early days, I just planned ahead for my snacks so that I didn't completely blow my eating plan. I also started eating dinner pretty late at night so that I could sit down and eat a proper meal during my most snacky time of day.
  • That sounds completely horrific! I love bacon, I love pickles, I love chocolate... and I'd have to sub the whiskey for gin or vodka because I hate whisky (sorry Scotland). But that's just not a yummy sounding combo.
  • It sounds like once your serving sizes are broken down, you're not really getting that many extra carbs. Personally I think flavour and taste are important, if we don't enjoy our food,we're going to be left wanting more. Unless you're eating a ketogenic diet for medical reasons, listen to your body,if you're happy with the…
  • I couldn't agree more @mandycat223 whilst it clearly has some medical value for people with real gut issues, I think far too much time is spent trying to make excuses for obesity. I'm quite sure I have many genetic factors contributing to my obesity, but I could overcome all of those issues by not using food as my…
  • After a year+ of eating LCHF with me for most of his meals, my hubby is now a low carb convert, and is actually quite obsessed with himself now lol. He wasn't particularly heavy, but has lost 30 lbs and discovered his abs now that he's super skinny. I never forced it on him and he used to supplement our shared meals with…
  • I just wanted to share that you'll probably find your tastes changing over time, the longer you go without sugar. So don't be afraid to try new things that once may not have appealed to you. It's funny how different things taste when you're no longer consuming the massive amounts of sugar in a SAD diet. I never thought I…
  • It's tough to compare ourselves to one another as we all have different challenges to manage... but I lost 50lbs in the first 3 months, 47lbs the following 7 months and the last 4 months I've been fighting like hell to keep it off and have been on an up and down 10lb rollercoaster. And I'd still like to lose another 100…
  • @blambo61 I've been T2 diabetic for 11+years and for 10 years I tried to stay at around 100 grams carbs a day, no refined starches, all healthy whole grains, and that helped me keep my blood sugar manageable "with medication" for years, until my meds got a black box warning and my insurance wouldn't cover them any longer.…